Episode II: A New Beginning
ACT II, Scene iv

Luminous beings are we

Our heroes' first night on Shiningmoon Major was a difficult one. Between the disturbing dreams and the near-constant small earthquakes, the party got very little restful sleep that night. While the dreams affected all the organic sentients to some degree, those with Force Sensitivity were more profoundly prayed upon. Even Kit, who was languishing in the Czerka base's bacta tank had a horrible nightmare that strange pale, purple-skinned aboriginal warriors were trying to crack the tank with their spears to get at her.

Lim and Haselvlat, the two remaining people in the party more experienced in the Force, both had their own more personal dreams. Lim saw his old trainer, Master Li, valiantly fending off a horde of the same strange pale, purple-skinned aboriginal warriors. Then, he and another more shadowy Jedi joined forces to barely stop the assault of a large dark apparition. Lim could see the flash of red and hear the clash of lightsabers, but could not make out exactly what was happening. By morning he had woken up in a cold sweat. Haselvlat, on the other hand, had a much more realistic dream--so much so that he did not even know that he was dreaming until he woke up. In the dream he heard voices outside his room just before daybreak. Going to investigate, he approached the outer chain linked perimeter fence of the base. There, in the jungle, he heard the pleading voices of several people begging him to lead them. When he asked who they were, they emerged from the forest all around him. There were all strange pale, purple-skinned aboriginal warriors bearing spears and other ancient weaponry. They all bowed to him and disappeared into the forest.

As soon as Haselvlat woke up he ran outside, there was no evidence of anyone in the jungle, but he did see a set of footprints leading from the perimeter wall to his window and back again. There, leaning up against his window, was one of the native's fetish-decorated spears. Disturbed, he hid the spear aboard the Excessive Debt for later investigation.

The party all met together and discussed what they had seen while Kit was pulled from the bacta tank. After consulting the astrogation data tables for this region they came to the conclusion that the aboriginal warriors must be the local near-human species the Naufragi. The Hutt operative, Cy Exilrinn, confirmed this, stating that no one on planet ever got a good night's sleep. When prodded further he admitted that he didn't know of anyone who had especially vivid dreams, just more of an oppressive watched feeling that kept the Czerka officers and the prisoners tossing and turning all night.

Kit, whose clothes were once again shredded, was given a Czerka jumpsuit without any rank badges. They all joined Cy Exilrinn, Rood Domtar (the Director of the Facility), Daplo Crosi (Head of Personnel), and some other upper level Czerka people in the Officer's Mess for a large breakfast. From here they could see out the large windows and noted a mining shift returning from the moon on a fleet of small shuttles of various types. By the time breakfast was over, the next shift had boarded from the far side of the prisoner compound area and the fleet was beginning to depart. Kit noted several armed shuttles in the pack and asked about getting as job flying one. With Cy Exilrinn's backing, she was told to meet with Rood Domtar later that day to discuss security screenings and an application flight.

Our heroes, still at a lack for a real plan, wandered downstairs just in time to see Bebo running towards them from the Excessive Debt. Kir had attacked him with an apparently faulty Ion pistol and had locked down the ship when Bebo escaped his chase. Bebo said that Kir had planned on selling him to finish paying off the ship. They all ran outside just as Kir was finishing prepping the crippled transport for launch. He had spent all night with some Czerka techs repairing the most critical systems and was preparing to leave the mostly-Rebel party in the dust. After a series of thwarted attempts to break into the ship before she took off, Kir managed to get her nose up and activate the sublight engines. With a roar of power, the strained engines of the YT-1300L pushed her higher into the atmosphere--nimbly dodging a shot called in from the KDY v-150 on the hill. The ship was severely damaged, but Kir was still an impressive pilot. Watching their only transport fly off into space, the party suddenly realized that they were stranded here.

Unfortunately for our heroes, Kir had not managed to take the three Hutt-allied prisoners with him when he left. Cy Exilrinn demanded that the party finish their contract with his boss Tyvek the Hutt to get them off planet. He was understanding to their situation though, and offered any assistance he could provide. With a plan starting to form, the party requested two more Czerka uniforms for Sera and Zeryn. They and Bebo would somehow get through the jungle and up to the KDY v-150 ion cannon on the hill to acquire the needed control board. Meanwhile, Kit would meet with Rood Domtar and get herself aboard a small armed shuttle. Lastly, once the flying was done, Lim would break a Czerka rule of some sort and get tossed in with the prison population to meet up with the three Hutt operatives.

With some semblance of a plan, the party set off to their tasks. Zeryn, Sera, and Bebo managed to hijack a repulsor truck that had just come down from the Ion cannon with a shift change. They talked their way past the guards at the gate and headed up the road toward the cannon installation. they quickly came under attack by Naufragi in the jungle and gunned it up the hill. By the time they made it up to the compound they were glad to see the covering fire of two Czerka flash speeders and various ground troops. Once there, they set about trying to get into the facility without the troops discovering who they really were.

Kit, her bored flight instructor, Lim, Haselvlat, and Squawky all crammed into an armed T-16 Skyhopper so that Kit could be checked out for a job as a Czerka pilot. Cy Exilrinn didn't know why this was needed as part of the plan, but had managed to forge her security clearance anyway. Once in the air, the crack Rebel pilot quickly passed all the required tests. When she asked if she could just fly around for awhile the instructor agreed, he was getting paid for this by the hour anyway. They all flew up the coastline and across the quicksand flats to where Lim had sensed an area of Light Side energy on this dark planet. They found a strange formation along the coast that seemed to be protected by some sort of force-field bubble.

The instructor said that they sometimes flew over this area and it was known for strange electrical interferences. Hesitantly, Kit was able to pilot the shuttle down through the bubble and landed so softly that most of the crew didn't even know they had touched down. The instructor elected to take a paid nap while the party scouted around, but kept a blaster pistol nearby if any curious Naufragi showed up. Investigating the area, they quickly saw that they were leaving no footprints in the chalky soil. Haselvlat felt that he was subconsciously being urged to climb the spiral path up the nearby dark-colored hill. Disturbed by this, he stuck close to Kit and Lim.

After a quick look around, the party realized that this site was on the equator and was actually the point that was directly under the tide-locked moon above. The gaping pit mine that was once the center of a massive hemisphere-wide crystal formation was directly above them. Curious, Lim and crew walked to the large rock that seemed to be the center of the strange formation. Touching it, they received a nasty jolt of electricity. After several other attempts, it soon became obvious that the only way to lift the rock was through the Force.

While Squawky made sure that the Czerka instructor didn't notice anything, Lim, Kit, and Haselvlat combined their efforts to lift the rock from its resting place. After several failed attempts, they managed the feat--revealing a smooth cylindrical black shaft 3/4 of a meter wide descending directly down. So far as they could tell by any measuring device they had (including dropped glowsticks), it went all the way through the planet. Haselvlat the climber was the first to descend, but was quickly overwhelmed by a rush of images in his mind. With a bright flash of light, he was shot out of the mouth of the tunnel and landed safely in the shallow ocean water nearby. Once the party fished him out, it was Lim's turn.

Once climbing down a short ways, Lim too was assaulted by the rush of images. Luckily, his limited Jedi training under Master Li allowed him to maintain control of the flow. The things he was were from this planet's ancient past. Lim witnessed events from over 4000 years ago: the coming of the Dark Jedi Averre Naufragus to the unpopulated Shiningmoon Major with a small band of human followers. Over time, the followers attracted more followers, and soon the planet boasted a thriving colony. A century passed as the colony grew, building glorious temples to their Sith master. Finally, Lim witnessed a group of Jedi arriving. A fight was avoided and a treaty was grudgingly signed by Naufragus. An Embassy of light was established at the location of the signing--the strange formation that Lim and friends were now standing at. But a place of Darkness was also established on the Light moon to provide balance. Time passed, decades drifted, then cam war once again between the Jedi and the Sith. The Jedi returned, and the treaty was quickly broken. The eldritch Naufragus and his tainted followers attacked the Jedi en masse. Lim could see no clear victor in the ensuing fight and soon the vision faded.

Lim was floating, surrounded by a soft, white light. From what he could tell, this temple had been abandoned for over 2000 years and had been collecting Light energy from the moon ever since. The power flowed though him like quicksilver, and he knew that he had a choice: Lim could seize the power for himself, or share it with one of his allies. With only the briefest of pauses, Lim chose to share the power with Kit. The world went white and all three were once again standing upon the beach in the center of the formation. The rock was once again in place and the force bubble that was protecting the site had dissipated. Shaken, but hopeful, the party returned in the shuttle to the Czerka base.

Meanwhile, Sera, Zeryn, and Bebo had finally made it up the mountain to the side of the massive ion turret encampment. Completely missing the large thermal exhaust vents, they proceeded to talk their way past the guards and into the smaller side entrance to the facility. Once inside, they ran into a problem at the first turbolift junction with security that demanded identity cards. Thinking fast, Zeryn presented her Imperial Ident Chip to the man standing at the podium scanner. Tense seconds passed as the Czerka base's computer confirmed with their Imperial allies that Zeryn was indeed an Imperial Commando--but had been MIA for over six months. The security guards advanced to question the strike team but Sera beat them to the draw, pulling her double heavy blaster pistols and letting loose a volley of fire.

Zeryn leapt at the guards as Bebo panicked, but Sera got trapped in place by some sort of security gravplate. Even immobile, she still took down several guards with he blasters. Zeryn finished off the rest and Bebo managed to free Sera. They couldn't access the main computer from here, so they boarded the lift and went down. There, they discovered an auxiliary computer center and quickly subdued everyone in the room. Bebo plugged into the machine and alerted them that guards were being send down by a different turbolift across the room. The girls quickly took care of that problem and proceeded up towards the main control room with Bebo in tow.

Proceeding past the prefire chamber and further into the facility, they had some minor trouble with a mid-level Czerka manager before gaining access to the main lift. When they got to the top they saw a very similar security room and a long hallway that lead to a control room that overlooked the prefire chamber. Not stopping to talk, Zeryn and Sera shot their way through the security guards and approached the techies in the control room. Before they could get there the hallway automated security shot Sera in the arm and a large blast door slammed shut in their faces. Unable to get in, they sent Bebo back down to the computer room.

Exiting the turbolift, Bebo was hit with several gas grenades and held at gunpoint by a squad of Czerka security troops. Being a droid, and unaffected by either, he was quickly released. Bebop took his post at the computer as the troops entered the lift. He quickly shut down the hallway security upstairs and opened the blast door. Then, cackling to himself, Bebo took control of the lift and shook the security troops around for awhile to buy Sera and Zeryn time.

The Pilot and Commando blasted their way into control room, which Bebo had thoughtfully filled with sleep gas. A couple of techies and the Czerka officer offered some resistance, but not for long. With the one conscious techie, Zeryn proceeded to intimidate him into prying loose both the main and targeting control boards of the ion cannon. Sera, meanwhile, suddenly got very busy. Bebo's security troops had managed to escape his roller coaster and make it into the turbolift shaft at the only exit from Sera and Zeryn's position. Bebo had lost track of them and the first warning Sera got was two grenades being thrown down the hallway at her from the open turbolift door. Zeryn and the techie hit the ground, but Sera knew that wouldn't help much. Stepping into the hallway, she called upon the Force to help her. With a blaster in each hand, the Rebel pilot let the Force guide her hands and took a single shot at each of the flying grenades. Both blaster bolts connected, detonating the grenades in mid-flight halfway down the hallway. Slightly surprised by her own success, Sera followed up the shots with a series of blaster volleys into the open turbolift tunnel until Bebo could get the blast door shut.

Changing tactics slightly, the girls had the techie reinstall the main board so that they could fire the cannon untargeted. Safely sealing the holomatrix-enhanced targeting control board in a padded carrying case, they forced the techie to iron-sight the cannon at the Czerka base's main shield generator. After firing the cannon a number of times, Bebo set the main reactor to overload and the race to escape the building was on. Sera and Zeryn rappelled out the command rooms windows and reentered the access hallways behind the remaining guards. With blasters out, they fought their way through the troops and got back to Bebo's position.

Running out of time, the team took the turbolift back up to the first control room--only to get ambushed by yet another group of Czerka troops. This time, however, they forgot about the sticky gravplate. Bebo was the first to get stuck, alerting Zeryn and Sera to the danger. The commandos quickly dispatched the security troops, but couldn't get Bebo unstuck. With only seconds left, the droid cut through his own ankles with his welding laser and the girls drug him clear of the tunnel just as the entire facility exploded above and behind them. Commandeering a flash speeder, the team raced down the hill--leaving nothing but a smoking crater in the mountain behind them.

Witness to the devastation, Kit, Lim, Haselvlat and Squawky had landed back at the base not long before the ion cannon had swiveled down to fire on its own shield generator. Lim had managed to strike a Czerka officer, the always convenient Cy Exilrinn, and Daplo Crosi had tossed the Jedi into the general prison population. Stripped of weapons and wearing a garish grey and orange jumpsuit, Lim was quickly assaulted by a gang of thugs standing by to welcome new prisoners. Lim's superior martial arts soon taught them the lesson of their ways. Now armed with a makeshift force-pike, Lim set out to find the three Hutt-allied prisoners.

He didn't have to look long, just as the sun was beginning to dip into the horizon, the Ion cannon lit up the twilight with several shots into the shield generator. The overload fried the base's main reactor, and the entire facility was thrown into darkness. Before the backup generators could kick in, the riot had already begun--the cannon self-destructing up on the mountain was just frosting on the cake. The worst of the thugs were making their way towards the few parked shuttles left on the pads, leaving many of the less-violent family groups behind. Many of those families had their males or eldest sons out on the current mining shift on the airless moon and didn't know what to do. Luckily, the wide majority of the shuttles were on the moon as well. The few that remained, however, were quickly fought over.

Grabbing a Squawky and a flash speeder, Kit rushed into the edge of the riot to try to secure a shuttle. Quickly overcomed, she and the droid made their way on foot back to the edge of the tarmac and away from the ruthless escaping prisoners. Haselvlat set about disabling several of the blaster towers to keep them from firing on the riot, just as Zeryn, Sera and the damaged Bebo arrived in their own stolen flash speeder. Taking fire from bow-armed Naufragi in the darkening jungle, the group headed back towards the transport docking area to man the anti-aircraft laser turrets in an attempt to keep the natives from overrunning the families left in the compound.

Lim, meanwhile, had been following a shady group of individuals that were heading away from the riot at the landing pads. Still not too good at sneaking, they easily spotted him even in the near-dark conditions. The group mostly made of thugs who were protecting what turned out to be the three prisoners Lim was looking for. The bruiser was a massive Herglic named Hodrage Skullcrusher, the slicer was a Devaronian male named Drak'kai'Efficci, and the leader was a scruffy human male named Metlo Yabex. Lim introduced himself as the guy who was sent to rescue them, which was looking increasingly unlikely by this point. The group was heading to the main compound building, where they knew the upper level Czerka staff kept small personal escape shuttles. Lim reluctantly followed along, and the rest of the party joined up with this band soon afterwards.

They sliced their way into the main building and came face to face with a hastily erected barricade manned by Czerka troops and office staff. The party managed to talk down a fight, while Metlo and Efficci ditched the group and entered a secret passageway nearby. The party followed and discovered a small hanger bay with a sleek platinum-colored shuttle. Metlo and the Devaronian were standing over two bodies, that of the Director of the Facility Rood Domtar and his attractive personal assistant. Claiming their shuttle access keys, the two felons began to board. The party soon took over the operation, putting their own people in command of the craft. Easing the ship out the hangar doors, they opened the cargo bay so that the large Herglic could squeeze aboard. Once done, the party and passengers of the cramped shuttle broke for orbit.

One there, they realized that they had very few options without a hyperdrive. They could see several bulk freighters in orbit and the fleet of small shuttles approaching from the moon. Several tried to land to get to their families, only to be overrun by rioting thugs once they touched down. The party was hailed by the orbiting Lancer-class frigate Wall of Spears who believed them to be Rood Domtar. Putting Bebo on the horn, they told the frigate to assist the base by keeping the natives confined to the jungles. They complied, moving close to the planet and sending in several TIE fighters on strafing runs. While Kit and Haselvlat advocated taking the ship, Sera and Lim voted for landing at the mining facility on the moon instead. Zeryn and the felons were not eager to take on a ship of that size with only hand weapons and agreed. The flight was short and they docked at one of the empty airlocks that ringed the large mining complex.

The mining station itself was a large box-like structure perched near the edge of the open pit mine. Once aboard, the party almost got into a firefight with a group of prisoner miners. It soon became evident that the miners had taken the station and were desperate for word on their families. kit and Bebo went to the command room to find out what was going on while Zeryn and the rest of the group came up with a plan. This close to the center of the pit, Lim and Haselvlat were both being called by the lure of the Force. The moon itself was a soft beacon of light, but there was a dark center to the pit. When asked, Ernesto, the leader of the rebelling miners, told them that a temple had been found there but was sealed up with a airlock dome. The miners didn't like to go near there, as odd things happened near the bottom of the pit.

Taking that as a clue as to which direction to proceed, Lim, Zeryn, Sera, and Ernesto donned mining spacesuits and went outside with Squawky to board a transport speeder. Sera drove them down most of the way to where Ernesto said was a s far as repulsorlifts could safely go. They walked the rest of the way, with Ernesto warning them to not trust their senses in this place. They made it to the domed structure and cycled the airlock without any difficulties. Haselvlat had flown the silvery shuttle over and had docked at a different airlock but was waiting news from the rest of the group. They went inside the building through the main airlock and were about to take off their helmets when Lim got a flash of them still standing outside. Warning the others, he concentrated on feeling the Force. When Lim opened his eyes he could see that they were all indeed still outside! Waking the others up from the Dark Side induced vision, they cautiously made their way into the airlock a second time. This time it was real and they all removed their bulky spacesuits.

Ernesto decided to stay upstairs to guard the suits while the party got onto a large lift platform that descended deep down into the moon through an ornately carved stone shaft. The lift was obviously installed by the Czerka corporation, and hastily at that. After passing through a series of atmosphere-retaining force fields, they arrived at the bottom before a large blast door. This too was installed by Czerka, as the rubble of the original stone door could be seen piled up against the walls of the small chamber.

Cycling the door, our heroes were faced with a large stone-carved room descending into the darkness. Freestanding pillars lined both sides, the tops of which bore a familiar visage--that of the Dark Jedi Averre Naufragus. There were three sets of footprints leading cautiously into the next room, and only two sets hurriedly running their way out. Making their way into the next chamber without incident, the party came across a T-junction of sorts. Standing at the edge of a small anteroom, there were two equally sized large rooms to their left and right. The one to the left looked to be a temple, and the one to the right was a dilapidated treasure and trophy room.

The small room they were facing had a raised dais with a large gold disk on it. Written on the disk in a spiral patters was an ancient Sith dialect that not even Squawky could make out. In the center was a small square indention that was free of dust, as if something were recently removed from the dais. Behind the dials lay a clue, the days-old body of an Imperial ISB officer. Above him was a wall inscribed in Ancient Sith. Squawky translated the inscription as such:

The Temple finally understands, It knows. 
The Darkness is welcome here, you are the invaders.
The walls creak,
The air moans.
A Dark Jedi has returned to the Halls of Death.

Suitably intimidated, Lim, Sera, Zeryn and Haselvlat made their way cautiously to the treasure room while Squawky muttered worriedly and followed behind. The treasure room was exactly that, the walls were mounted with trophies and treasures from countless worlds, the edges of the walls piled high with the stuff. Little of it had weathered the ages well though. The party looked upon jewel-encrusted implements of torture, rusted weapons of war, destroyed ancient war droids, and chests of precious metals and desiccated internal organs both. At first glance, few things seemed to have survived well, but one of them was a beautiful gleaming sword still hanging from its display case on a nearby wall.

Cautiously, Lim approached the weapon, only stopping when Zeryn spotted something glowing near a pile of treasure and junk near his feet. Looking closely, Lim saw that it was a faded red droid photoreceptor--which was suddenly joined by another one. Lim jumped back as an ancient war droid sprung its trap and leapt into combat. Armed with a short sword, and an arm-mounted energy shield, the droid advanced on Lim menacingly. Zeryn got off the first shot, but the droid parried it harmlessly with it's energy shield. The machine then hit Zeryn square in the chest with some sort of pulse wave weapon--sending her flying across the room. Sera next pulled her traditional double blasters, firing in quick succession at the automaton. The machine swiveled its shield to parry her flurry of shots, stabbing at Lim with its sword. Lim, weaponless, reached out through the Force for the sword on the wall. It flew to his hand as if from practiced ease.

Lim and the machine exchanged a few quick thrusts and parries while Sera continued to pummel the droid with fire, sending deflected blaster shots screaming across the room in every direction. Zeryn took the opportunity to line up a shot, hitting the droid in the left shoulder. Lim then pressed his attack, calling on the Force for assistance. the blade almost sang as he sliced right through the droid's short sword and cleaved deep into the machine's torso. Haselvlat, leaping down from the ceiling, tackled the evil droid--finally ending its assault once and for all. Bruised but relatively uninjured, the party caught their breath before exploring farther.

They next went into the temple area, even more cautious after the war droid attack and the message carved into the wall. Fearing the worst, they stepped forward in a broad line--weapons out and ready for anything. As they passed the first of two sets of pillars similar to the ones out in the entry hallway, torched held by the statues flared to life. Red banners fluttered in a non-existent wind and a dull red glow was seen coming from the raised altar area. Continuing forward, the red dull got brighter and brighter, with two more torches leaping to life once they passed the second set of pillars. Getting closer to the head of the temple, they could see that the altar was recently swept clean as several bowls and twisted bits of dried flesh had been angrily scattered to the floor. There, beyond the altar, was a large black obelisk hanging on the wall.

Fearing the worst, the party approached closer and confirmed their fears--the black object was a block of frozen carbonite containing the shape of a humanoid body. There was writing carved into the block, but they couldn't make out what it said from here, it was as if the block was absorbing most of the light that struck it. Lim and Zeryn approached form either side of the altar while Sera covered them by using the altar as cover herself. They confirmed that the person in the block was still alive, that it was a she, that she was a Devaronian, and that she was sporting a lightsaber. The words hastily carved into the carbonite read as follows:

General Odayaka'sai'Marrla 
Conscientious Objector

Closer inspection showed that she wore some sort of synth-leather outfit and had a medallion around her neck with the face of a Devaronian male on it. They couldn't make out what the inscription on the medallion said, but the last three letters were "wan." With fears of the wall inscription running through their heads, they decided to cycle the de-thaw program--with Lim desperately hoping that the wan was short for Padawan. Zeryn and Sera pulled back to the cover of the altar with blasters drawn while Lim stood near the carbonite block with his lightsaber in hand. Made from the broken crystal belonging to Yanna's father, he could only hope that it would work.

The carbonite heated up, releasing the trapped woman with a gasp. She fell straight forward with blank white eyes, forcing Lim to reach out to catch her. Only then did he realize that the synth-leather was colored red and black. In a flash she leapt away from him, gasping for air but with unlit lightsaber in hand. Lim pulled his lightsaber up into a defensive position, keeping his similarly unlit. She demanded in a hissing voice to know where she was as panic began to creep into her voice. Lim told her that she was in Sith Temple, to which she screamed at him and began her attack. Sera was fast though, firing a shot right into her center of mass--but the woman was faster. In a blur of speed she ignited her lightsaber and deflected the shot harmlessly across the room. The Devaronian spun, swinging her lightsaber down to remove Lim's head from his body, but stopped just inches from his neck. Lim had purposely not moved, thanking all that he held dear that the blade hissing near his face was a green one.

The woman was in a state of shock from her long stay on the carbonite, blind and on the edge of panic. She called several times for her Master, with one of the pitiful screams shaking the very walls of the temple with the Force. Lim, quickly got her to stop doing that, but the damage may have already been done. Introductions were made, with the woman originally mistaking Lim for Jedi Tarassi--Yanna's father. It turned out that she was General Odayaka'sai'Marrla, Jedi Knight, and Hero of the Battle of Ord Craade. She was a member of the Jedi order, but had sworn off violence after a particularly horrible event during the Clone Wars. Lim had never heard of her, but she had heard of Master Li. While tenuous, a bond was slowly formed between the two Jedi.

The group caught her up on current events and she took it rather well. She told them that she needed time to meditate on this and asked them to leave her for a short time. The party complied, and sat down to figure out what to do with the prisoner families. Marrla returned to them, saying that she had consulted with the Great Masters, the living crystal formations of this moon. She said that she had Lim's first assignment as her apprentice--to not only save the prisoner families, but to make sure that the mining never happened here again. He was to save the entire moon. Taking on the task, and not really telling her that they were planning on doing something similarly anyway, the party left for the surface. Looking back, they saw that the wall to the T-junction antechamber had somehow sealed behind them.

Figuring that they could get back in if they needed to, the party made it to the top of the lift. There, they discovered that Metlo Yabex and Drak'kai'Efficci had arrived with several new thugs. Metlo was sitting on the body of Ernesto smoking a tabbak stick. The two demanded to know what the party was up to, to which they had no easy answer. Outnumbered and outgunned, our heroes have to think quick to keep the felons from learning the truth about them and their new mission.

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Last Updated: 6 April 2005