Lim Res   Haselvlat   Kit Reed   Matrim Cauthon   Kei   AC-DC  

Lim Res
Lim Res, artwork by Judas. Click for more information.
Young Jedi

Gender: M          Age: 21
Species: Human          Homeworld: Malastair
Affiliation: Jedi Order
Description: Lim stands five feet and eleven inches tall and weights 170 pounds. Lim looks like many of the humans across the galaxy. He has sandy blond hair and green eyes. His skin has taken on a golden brown color from the time he has spent outside working under an yellow orange sun.
Weapon of choice: Double-bladed silver lightsaber
The part of Lim Res is played by: Jon Schow

Known character history: Problems on his home world have been on a boil for as long as Lim can remember. Recent Imperial events have caused an explosion of hatred and unrest. Lim escaped from his planet with little more than the clothing on his back. Lim has come to Ord Mantell hoping to make a living with his skills as a navigator. While green, he seems to show promise of greater skill and he has a gift for navigating through some of the tougher parts of the outer rim. Honest and hardworking, recent events have made Lim quite and introspective. Often he is torn by sadness for events that had him leave his home, and occasionally flares of violence and anger towards the Empire. Lim has a droid assistant named P2-D4 and pilots a small scoutship. He is currently dating a Twi'lek ex-slave named Seela.

Lim's original backstory:

Training with Master Li

Personal datapad journal entries:

Entry 7A34E21 (On the loss of Yanna Tarassi)
Entry 7A34F593 (Meeting the Evil Assassin)
Entry 7A35D214 (Thoughts on Shiningmoon)
Entry 7A36B31C (The events on Shiningmoon)
Entry 7A4231D4 (On the act of redemption)
Entry 7A42597C (Coming to terms with fear)
Entry 7A4273AB (Facing the Dark Side)
Entry 7A4C71D5 (Falling before the Emperor's Hand)
Entry 7A4C71F3 (Discovering new relationships)
Entry 7A4EAB95 (Interpreting prejudice)
Entry 7A538BC5 (On Jedi responsibility)
Entry 7A548210 (Examining vengeance and hatred)

Famous Quotes: "Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty."


Haselvlat, Stitchian

Gender: M          Age: 2
Species: Stitchian         Homeworld: Eeseixtooseyks
Affiliation: Tramp Freighter "Lady of Ages"
Description: Small, blue, and fluffy
Weapon of choice: Blastech DL-18 Blaster Pistol
The part of Haselvlat is played by: Josiah Seaman

Known character history: From the Unknown Regions, he has decided to venture out from his homeworld to find out what other interesting species and foods are out there. He has naturally destructive, and warlike tendencies but also is feeling more insecure being separated from the rest of his kind, so will try to fit in as much as he can. Admittedly, he'll be good for some comic relief but he'll also be useful for the occasional frenzied trooper mopping.

Haselvlat's recordings:

Entry A0001 (Coming of Age)

Famous Quote: *purrrrr*


Kit Reed
Kit Reed, Human
Brash Pilot

Gender: F          Age: 27
Species: Human         Homeworld: Firrerre
Affiliation: Rebel Alliance
Description: 5'6", 115lbs, Asian looking with short black hair and dark eyes.
Weapon of choice: Any snubfighter she can get her hands on.
The part of Kit Reed is played by: Sam Seaman

Known character history: All life on the planet Firrerre was wiped out through the Empire's use of a biological weapon, and it is still unsafe for any ships to land there. The devastation was ordered by Hethrir, the Imperial Procurator of Justice (himself a native of Firrerre) and carried out by the Empire's elite Starcrash Brigade--led by the ISD Contagion under Captain Lemsh Tyderra. The people of Firrerre (humanoids with long, striped hair and nictitating membranes to protect their eyes) were believed to have been rendered extinct by the death of their world.

A member of the small Human minority on Firrerre, Kit was was lucky enough to be off-world at the time and is the only known member of her family left alive. It was later discovered that the majority of this colony, along with Kit, were of Mandalorian descent. At the time of her planet's destruction Kit was taining to be an Imperial pilot, but after her family and her planet were mercilessly slaughtered young Kit eagerly joined the Rebellion with dreams of revenge. A fearless pilot, she excells when thrown into the heart of a dogfight. Kit has currently been assigned an antique Z-95ER Headhunter as a member of the Rebel Alliance's Green Squadron. Recently, Kit became the legal captain of the Tramp Freighter "Lady of Ages"


Matrim Cauthon
Matrim Cauthon, Human

Gender: M          Age: 22
Species: Human          Homeworld: Corellia
Affiliation: His pocket book
Description: Nondescript human with brown eyes and dark hair.
Weapon of choice: 9 vibro throwing daggers with "sleeping" poison
The part of Mat is played by: Brandon Reich

Known character history: Mat would like people to believe he grew up a tough neighborhood surrounded by crime and gambling and all other sorts of no good. In reality with rich parents and richer neighborhood, mats talents and exeptionally good luck took him away from his family to forge his own idenity. After being thrown out of almost every casino planetside for "cheating" as they called it, he was looking for a new adventure. Intro the party of Jedi.... (oh great... Jedi).

Famous Quotes: "Trust me guys, I'm lucky.... sometimes."


Kei, Firrerrian
Divine Assassin

Gender: M          Age: 25
Species: Near-Human          Homeworld: Firrerre
Affiliation: Unknown
Description: A dark, brooding man with pale skin and long, dark hair.
Weapon of choice: Modified Rope-dart
The part of Kei is played by: Zachary Betzen

Known character history: A Force-sensitive warrior from the Golden Age of the Jedi, Kei and his droid partner AD-DC fought a grand series of battles in the Second Sith War against (and then later for) the Armies of Darth Malak. At some point, their bio-ship got knocked into a deep interplanetary sublight course and the only option was to cryofreeze the whole thing until they got near another star system. They drifted into the Eyre system some 4000 years later, just in time to get involved in the party's escape from that world. While confused about the Jedi-poor galaxy they have woken up in, Kei and AC-DC are making the best of it. Their future plans, as well as their true allegiances, have yet to be revealed.

Famous Quotes:


AC-DC, T3 model utility droid
Utility Droid

Gender: n/a          Age: 1
Species: Droid         Homeworld: Taris
Affiliation: Unknown
Description: T3-model utility droid.
Weapon of choice: Pop-up Arkanian heavy blaster pistol.
The part of AC-DC is played by: Blake Pfankuch

Known character history: A T3-model utility droid from the Golden Age of the Jedi, AC-DC and his Firrerrian partner Kei fought a grand series of battles in the Second Sith War against (and then later for) the Armies of Darth Malak. At some point, their bio-ship got knocked into a deep interplanetary sublight course and the only option was to cryofreeze the whole thing until they got near another star system. They drifted into the Eyre system some 4000 years later, just in time to get involved in the party's escape from that world. While confused about the Jedi-poor galaxy they have woken up in, AC-DC and Kei are making the best of it. Their future plans, as well as their true allegiances, have yet to be revealed.

Famous Quotes: "Beee boo BEEE!"


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Last Updated: 13 March 2006