The party has a few allies that can help them out in times of need. 
While some are stalwart friends, others aren't as trustworthy. It
is up to the party to remember which is which at any given moment.  

"Well, short help is better than no help at all."

--Han Solo

Sera Cougre   Kir'qeed id'Uno di'Ba'arstona   Chunara   Targeter   Princess Leia Organa  

Dran Megrev   Bah'Ger Fenn   Seela'Fenn   R3-P972 Flotsam   P2-D4 Squawky  

Sera Cougre
Sera Cougre, Human
Brash Pilot

Gender: F          Age: 20
Species: Human          Homeworld: Brush
Affiliation: Rebel Alliance
Description: Sera is tall, almost amazonian, with blonde hair and blue eyes.
Weapons of choice: Two Blastech DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistols
The part of Sera was originally played by: Christine Seaman

Known character history: A Rebel X-Wing pilot, a Teepo Paladin studying under Jedi Lim Res, and an avid collector of weaponry.

Famous Quotes: “Can we start shooting again?”


Kir'qeed id'Uno di'Ba'arstona
Kir, Human
Smuggler Captain

Gender: M          Age: 30
Species: Human          Homeworld: Ballarstona
Affiliation: Tramp Freighter "Excessive Debt"
Description: Like many Ballarstona natives, Kir wears a "sand stripe" on his pants (think modern US desert camo in place of the blood stripe).
Occupation: Smuggler Captain of the tramp freighter "Excessive Debt"
The part of Kir was originally played by: Christopher Webb

Connection with characters: Commonly known simply as Kir, Captain Kir'qeed id'Uno di'Ba'arstona piloted the party's first starship, a YT-1300L Tramp Freighter known as the Excessive Debt. Kir owes around 10,500 credits to the loanshark Ploovo Two-For-One and is Chunara's partner.


Chunara, Wookie

Gender: M          Age: 80
Species: Wookie         Homeworld: Kashyyyk
Affiliation: Tramp Freighter "Excessive Debt"
Description: A fairly young wookie
Occupation: Wookie First Mate on the "Excessive Debt"
The part of Chunara was originally played by: Andrew Wiltzius

Connection with characters: Is Kir's partner and the nominal owner of the droid Flotsam. Chunara was last seen heading to Kashyyyk for Life Day.



Gender: F          Age: 24
Species: Human         Homeworld: Alderaan
Affiliation: Rebel Alliance Procurement and Supply Division
Description: 1.7m tall with with green eyes and stark white hair
Occupation: Spy

Connection with characters: Targeter has a holographic and audiographic memory: she forgets nothing she sees or hears. Bail Organa originally assigned Targeter to the Rebellion's Procurement and Supply division and she was off-planet when the Empire obliterated Alderaan. Targeter's gift became a silent curse as she can never shake the memories of her departed friends and destroyed world. She rarely lets her feelings show, though at times, in private, her grief is almost too much to bear. Her rigid control over her emotions and her no-nonsense approach to her duties have caused some to comment that her name befits her icy personality. Working for the Alliance, Targeter supplies valuable intelligence regarding the location and layout of Imperial supply caches. This information has proved vital to Alliance raiding parties who would follow extremely detailed maps based on Targeter's recollections. Her effectiveness has gained her a position in the Empire's most-wanted lists, though the Imperials and the party only know her by her code-name. Targeter keeps mobile, serving in a number of commands under a variety of code-names and aliases.


Princess Leia Organa, Human

Princess Leia Organa
Gender: F          Age: 24
Species: Human          Homeworld: Alderaan
Affiliation: Rebel Alliance
Description: 1.5m, brown hair
Occupation: Rebel leader, former Imperial Senator

Connection with characters: Leia was introduced to the party when they travelled to the Graveyard of Alderaan in search of the remains of the Royal Palace. The Empire had laid a trap for the Princess, which the party discovered and managed to prevent her capture. Our heroes then escourted Leia back to the Rebel Base at Ord Mantell, where the campaign began.


Dran Megrev, Human

Dran Megrev
Gender: M          Age: 28
Species: Human         Homeworld: Alderaan
Affiliation: Rebel Sympathizer
Description: 6'0", 190lbs. Short brown hair and green eyes. Dran wears an old leather jacket, militia uniform pants with spacer's boots and gloves. He wears a heavy blaster pistol in a quickdraw holster on his right side.
Occupation: Captain of the "Remembrance"

Connection with characters: Dran and crew accidently rescued the party from Imperial captivity after they were captured at the Battle of Ord Mantell. Hoping to procure a shipment of spin-sealed Tibanna Gas, Drav was unhappy to find out that he'd raided an imperial prisoner transport instead. Cursing his faulty intelligence information, he quickly ordered the prisoners released and transfered to the Remembrance. Once there, with the help of the party, they fought their way clear of the local garrison and jumped into hyperspace. Dran was secretly a rebel sympathizer and took the party and the other prisoners to the Ghambeezi Drift, where hopefully they could contact the Rebellion and begin the search for their missing ship. Dran's shipmates and partners are a Rhodian gunner named Hqunlx "The Bug" and an arrogant noble who answers only to the name of Princess.


Bah'Ger Fenn, Twi'lek

Bah'Ger Fenn
Gender: M          Age: 34
Species: Twi'lek         Homeworld: Ryloth
Affiliation: Black Sun Crime Syndicate
Description: 5'6", 165lbs. Pasty pale Twi'lek male dressed in shabby human Corporate Sector suits. Bah'Ger speaks with a lower-class "East End" Core accent.
Occupation: Fixer, fence, info broker, slave trader and general psychotic lowlife

Connection with characters: Bah'Ger is a Twi'lek fixer on the Ghambeezi Drift Station who was referred to the party by the smuggler Dran Megrev. Not without proper warning, however. Bah'Ger is not to be fully trusted, but does tend to come through on his end of the bargain when pushed (or threatened). Appropriately, his full Twi'lek name Bahger'fenn roughly translates as "industrious annoyance"--which seems to fit his personality. Most people think he's a psychotic lowlife. Which may, in fact, be an insult to the psychotic lowlife community.

A passenger of Dran's once described Bah'Ger like this: "I've known a dozen like him. Skipped off home early, minor graft jobs here and there. Spent some time in the lock-down, I warrant, but less than he claims. Now he's what, a petty thief with delusions of standing? Sad little king of a sad little hill."


Seela'Fenn, Twi'lek

Gender: F          Age: 27
Species: Twi'lek         Homeworld: Ryloth
Affiliation: Her lover, Lim Res
Description: 5'7", 125lbs. A beautiful, alabaster-white Twi'lek female who dresses in a variety of outfits. Seela often speaks in her native Twiliki.
Occupation: Ex-slave, trained in the arts of seduction, negotiation, and culinary mastery.

Connection with characters: Trained at both the Academies on Ryloth and the best training houses of the inner-core, Seela was raised from an early age to be a prize slave. She was to be sold to a high-ranking Imperial Admiral from a powerful family, the proceeds of which would go to improving her clan. Seela'fenn accepted her lot in life, but was horrified when her exiled cousin Bah'Ger managed to cut a more profitable deal with a less than savory Imperial Moff. Struggling as she was led away, she was saved by the fortuitious arrival of the party into Bah'Ger's den. Unable to condone slavery in any form, Lim et al saved her. She was made into Bah'ger's personal secretaty, which lasted only until Bah'ger lined up a new buyer--the head of the Ghambeezi Drift Station. Again, the party managed to step in this time, offering to buy her themselves. With the loot taked from the Sith Temple on Shiningmoon Minor, Lim Res became her new owner. Secretly, Seela'Fenn couldn't of been more thrilled. Lim immediatly freed her, and they later pushed through the paperwork with the help of a slicer to make it official in the eyes of the Empire. Suddenly a free woman, Seela decided to join up with the crew (and her Jedi Knight in shining armor Lim). With not-too-subtle nudging from the rest of his padawans, Lim and Seela started a strong relationship. While initially based on nothing more than sex, it has since blossomed into a full, loving relationship. With all the turns her life has taken recently, Seela is very happy to be living on the Lady of Ages. Strong-willed and level-headed, she has proven her worth as a crewmate and a friend many times over.


All the Droids have their own pages:

R3-P972 Flotsam   P2-D4 Squawky  

All NPCs are played by: J. Ryan Decker

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Same goes for all the images I've used from Firefly. Firefly and Serenity are Registered Trademarks of Mutant Enemy Inc and Joss Whedon. Original Firefly material Copyright by Mutant Enemy Inc and Joss Whedon. Used without permission. Any use of ME's copyrighted material or trademarks in this file should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. Keep on flyin' Joss!

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Last Updated: 10 March 2006