Episode II: A New Beginning
ACT II, Scene iii

The situation has become much more complicated

The scene opened at Ghambeezi Drift, the party had managed to limp back there after the near disasterous run in with the Imperial Assassin during the vault heist on Isde Naha. Luckily, she did not discover the party's true identities, and let everyone go unharmed.

Once back at Ghambeezi, the crew quickly ran afoul of the Imperial customs ship. Several ship malfuntions had caused the Excessive Debt to tumble after decanting from hyperspace, quickly gaining the attention of the local flight controllers. The party put Bebo on the coms, but after refusing help the Imperials told them to stand to and prepare to be boarded. After being stabalized by the custom ship's tractor beam, the larger vessel docked along the starboard airlock.

Their YT-1300L was warily boarded by an Imperial team consisting of four Stormtroopers, an ISB agent with scanner, and the Captain of the custom's ship Lt. Falstaff. Kir led Falstaff to the decadant lounge while the ISB officer and two troopers searched the ship. Incredibly, the Imps managed to discover a very well hidden load of spice that Kir was smuggling to Tyvek the Hutt on Ghambeezi. The corrupt officer let the party off after confinscating the spice and taking a heafty bribe. Broke, and in trouble with the Hutts, the party managed to dock with the station.

Things quickly went from bad to worse as the party cut deal after deal with various groups that all wanedt a piece of them. In the end, the crew have agreed to steal a bucket of crystals from Shiningmoon Minor for Bah'Ger and free three hardened criminals from a prison colony on Shiningmoon Major for the Hutts. As a feeble ray of hope, Bah'ger honored the deal he made the session before. The party traded the odd astrogation data stolen from the vault for the location of the undefended KDY-150. The Rebels in the group are still trying to steal a targeting controal board from a KDY-150 planetary ion gun for the Rebellion and this is the best lead they have gotten thus far. They further negotiated with Bah'Ger to him to secure them a new transponder. he agreed, and had the ship moved to one of his associate's repair bays lower down the spine of the station.

Our heroes took one last diversion to go see Vorla, the old Chinese woman. Lim collected the materials needed to train new Jedi while the rest of the party got a few items of their own. The crew then headed downstairs to the Spacer's Tapcafe to pick up their ship. They met a crazy old smuggler who claimed to have seen the fabled Queen of Ranroon, the ancient lost treasure ship of Xim the Despot. The party took a liking to the Old Coot, especially Sera, but soon had to be on their way.

At Kir's urging, the team decided to do a cargo run to the planet Ord Craade first to get some capital built up before heading off to Shiningmoon. They managed to arrive in good order and even get past the orbital Golan II Defence Platform. Unfortunatly, once arriving on planet the crew was once again boarded by an Imperial customs crew. The new fake transponder that Bah'ger installed had worked just fine, but Kir's ship's papers didn't match the new name. In fact, the name was flagged and the Star Destroyer in orbit alerted. As luck, or the Force, would have it that ship was the Contagion--Captained by none other than Lemsh Tyderra.

The crew lifted off under fire from the landing area and it soon turned into a very low altitude chase across the planet's surface. Kit and Sera blasted away at the incomming TIEs while Kir keept the ship from slamming into the valley walls. Lim tried various dirty tricks with the Force to throw off the TIE targeting systems while the rest of the crew just tried to keep the ship from falling apart. However valiant, the Excessive Debt wasn't in that great of shape before getting shot at by Imperials. The crew barely make orbit, but Kit's turret was hit. Haselvlat pulled her out while Kir rotated the ship keep Sera's turret aimed at the bad guys. Once out of the Golan's range, they shot stright up out of the atmosphere--trying to make it far enough away form the planet to engage the hyperdrive.

If it couldn't get any worse, Lim them picked up two assault shuttles trying to cut off their escape with ion fire. Outgunned and desperatly flying beyond the ships's limits, the droids decided to vac the cargo hold and dump some of the machined parts onto the TIEs following them. The ships dodged out of the way, but Sera quickly picked them off. With more TIEs on the way an dthe Contagion closing in, Lim trusted in the Force to allow him to plot an instintive astrogation course. Once punched in, Kir pulled off one last amazing piloting trick to pull away from the assault shuttles long enough to jump to lightspeed.

Tending their wounds and patching the ship, the party fell out of hyperspace right in at the edge of the Shiningmoon system. Trust the Force to dump you into the middle of a plot point. The party slid past the airless mining moon and made a landing at the main corporate starport on the main planet. Greeted by representatives of the Czerka Corporation, the party got Kit into their medical ward and finally got a good look at their damaged ship. Simply put, she was a wreak. Major work was going need to be done to get her anywhere near safe to fly again.

A short time later the party was contacted by Cy Exilrinn, the 2nd in command of the base and secretly a Hutt agent. He was going to get them information on the three prisoners they had agreed to break out and render any assitance he could. The party was then put up for the night in some Czerka guest quarters with the exception of Kir, who stayed on the ship. It was a strange and earthquake-riddled night, full of strange dreams and even stranger dark offers.

View the optional Director's Commentary for this scene
(caution, possible spoilers)

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