Ghtroc-720 Light Freighter
Space Turtle

Ghtroc-720 Space Turtle

Ship Name: Space Turtle
Captain: Kit Reed
Model: Ghtroc-720
Manufacturer: Ghtroc Industries
Combat Designation: Light Freighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 35 Meters
Skill: Space Transports: Ghtroc-720
Crew: 1 or 2 (can coordinate)
Skeleton Crew: 1
Troop Capacity: 10
Cargo Capacity: 134 tons
Consumables: 2 months
Cost of Craft: 24,000 credits
Nav Computer: Yes
Sublight Speed: 3
Atmospheric Speed: 750 kph
Main Hyperdrive: Ghtroc Natator 2
Hyperdrive Backup: Ghtroc Fluito 15
Maneuverability: 1D
Hull Rating: 3D+2
Shields: 1D
Escape Pods: 2
Subordinate Craft: None


Kuat Vonak Double Laser Cannon
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship Gunnery
Fire Control: 1D+2
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmospheric Range: 100-300m/1.2 km/2.5 km
Damage: 4D


Passive: 15/0D
Scan: 30/1D
Search: 50/3D
Focus: 2/4D

Ghtroc-720 Light Freighter

Quirks Specific to the Space Turtle:

General Ship Information:

A less popular, but no less durable freighter design, the Ghtroc freighter model became popular in the Outer Rim Territories, where the manufacturer was based. While Ghtroc Industries has since gone out of business, several thousand of the freighters remain in service--especially for simple cargo runs where combat is not expected.

The Ghtroc 720 light freighter, while not as popular as CEC's YT-1300, is still just as good. It is used extensively in the Outer Rim Territories, where the now-dissolved Ghtroc Industries was based. They designed the 720 upgrade to the systems on its 580 light freighter design and to compete with the YT-1300 - it comes close in some areas, while being slightly deficient in others. The 720 is widely used to haul essential goods from the Outer Rim's commerce centers to outlying colonies. Free-traders have found the ships to be affordable and well-suited for small-scale cargo runs to backwater settlements. Though the manufacturer has since gone out of business, several thousand Ghtrocs are still in service throughout the galaxy. Parts for the ship are still plentiful, and just as easily jury-rigged as those for the Corellian transports.

The stock Ghtroc is generally a more sound vessel than the YT-1300. It has shields (though they're not too powerful), the maneuvering system is better, and there's more room in the hold. Larger size isn't always a benefit: the slow ion drives strain to push the transport anywhere. The double laser cannon is on a fixed forward mount - the Ghtroc's size makes it difficult to line up your field of fire, even with the greater maneuverability. Most owners take advantage of the superstructure configuration amidships to add dorsal and ventral turret guns. Ghtroc 720s are best at cargo runs, and aren't as effective in combat as the YT-1300.

Unlike the YT transports, Ghtrocs have no variation in the cockpit configuration - they're centrally mounted. Crew quarters, cargo bays, and escape pods are oriented around a central power core. Since the ion drives are up front and the hyperdrives are aft, engineering spaces are spread out. It's nice having the subspace engines close to the cockpit in case you need to effect hasty repairs in a fight, but you'll make it up when you have to split your attention between fore and aft when the hyperdrives go, too.

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Last Updated: 8 June 2005