The party has already made a number of enemies during their travels,
but will no doubt make a few more as the campaign progresses. While
many are little more than petty annoyances, others are very powerful
and dangerous. The worst of the lot are listed here. It is up to the
party to remember who is the biggest threat at any given moment.  

"The regional governors now have direct control over their
territories. Fear will keep the local systems in line."

--Grand Moff Tarkin

Captain Lemsh Tyderra   Imperial Assassin   Yanna Tarassi   LE-B039 Bebo   Alisoun Villas  

Captain Lemsh Tyderra, Human

Captain Lemsh Tyderra
Gender: M          Age: 37
Species: Human         Homeworld: Chandrila
Affiliation: Galactic Empire
Description: 1.8m, short brown hair
Occupation: Naval officer in command of ISD Contagion

Connection with characters: Captain Tyderra was in command of the strike force designated to halt and destroy the Rebel Green Squadron at the Battle of Ord Mantell (2PBY). Successfully completing that mission, he ordered his vessel into the thick of the fighting to cover a hole opened up by an Ion attack against the flagship Emperor's Fist under Admiral Ozzel. Unable to prevent the Rebel Fleet from escaping into hyperspace, Captain Tyderra ordered the remaining Rebel pilots to be picked up for interrogation and repair crews sent to the flagship. During the battle, Tyderra's Assault Shuttles also managed to capture a rare L class YT-1300 transport, which he planned on having refurbished as his personal Captain's Yacht. His plans were thwarted, however, when the party managed to smuggle themselves onto the Sluis-Van shipyards and promptly stole the vessel back. Tyderra now has a personal grudge to settle with the party.


Imperial Assassin, Human

Unnamed Imperial Assassin
Gender: F          Age: 22
Species: Human         Homeworld: unknown
Affiliation: Galactic Empire
Description: 1.68m, long red hair and emerald green eyes
Occupation: Imperial Assassin

Connection with characters: This unnamed Imperial assassin ended up allying herself with the party for a short time during their mission to the Governor's palace on Isde Naha (Act II scene ii). She mistakenly believed that the members of the Rebel team were actually Imperial Commandos, a misinterpretation that the party was not eager to dispel. A party member, Lim Res, gave a detailed account of this encounter in his personal log. After the mission the assassin let the party go, only to later learn that they were in fact wanted Rebels. She was understandably angered at being so easily tricked, and eagerly awaits her next encounter with the party.


Yanna Tarassi, Human

Yanna Tarassi
Gender: F          Age: 18
Species: Human         Homeworld: Coruscant-Corellia Hyperspace Lane
Affiliation: Galactic Empire
Description: 5'7", 127lbs. Long brown hair and teal-colored eyes. Yanna dresses in tight, black synth-leather outfits. She is rarely seen without her lightsabers and blaster.
Occupation: Emperor's Hand

Connection with characters: Former crewmate aboard the Excessive Debt as the ship's engineer. Yanna discoverd the power of the Dark Side of the Force while attempting to assist Lim Res in a firefight on the Ghambeezi Drift Station. Yanna slowly succumed to the seduction of the Dark Side during frequent periods of fear and anger with the party. Still, at the cusp of her final fall into darkness, Yanna refused the call and fought as Lim had trained her--thereby buying the party time to flee. Yanna was left bleeding and battered at the feet of Lord Darth Vader, and was considered MIA by the party until her sudden reappearance at the Sith Temple on Shiningmoon Minor. Yanna is a major recurring character in the story arc, and as such has her own extensive character dossier page.


LE-B039, Droid

Gender: Droid          Age: 37
Species: Droid         Homeworld: Etti IV
Affiliation: Galactic Empire
Description: A tall, skeletal, LE-model repair droid painted Imperial grey
Occupation: Assistant to Yanna Tarassi

Connection with characters: A Cybot Galactica LE Repair Droid, Bebo was stolen from the hangar bay of the Imperial scoutship Dagyar-1 when the party fled Niven's Star. While the party simply claimed him as one of their own, due to an imperfect memory wipe Bebo still has moments where he spews brash Imperial propaganda. In fact, he is still painted Imperial grey, but has a brightly polished spot on the head where the cog symbol used to be. For a long time Bebo did not know that he was stolen and believed that Chunara is its rightful master. After some time with the party, he was modified by a Devaronian slicer with several old Krath War Droid parts--namly the Jedi Sensor and Threat Detector. Later modifications included a removeable right hand that could be piloted on remote. Bebo was with the party when they faced down Yanna Tarassi at the Sith Temple on Shiningmoon Minor and was the victim of her Electronic Manipulation ability. Reset to factory standards (both Imperial and Krath), he is now her loyal servant.
Bebo has his own character dossier page.

Famous Quotes:
“Then we get to kill all the Rebels! Oh my, what am I saying?!?”


Alisoun Villas, Human

Alisoun Villas
Gender: F          Age: 41
Species: Human         Homeworld: Skåne
Affiliation: Unknown, assumed to be Galactic Empire
Description: 5'11" athletic, with slightly greying brown hair and blue-green eyes
Occupation: Ex-Jedi Padawan, currently working in some capacity with the Imperial Navy's infamous Starcrash Brigade

Connection with characters: The pary knows that that as a Padawan, and later a Knight, Limres Tarassi had an affair with fellow Jedi Odayaka'sai'Marrla. They broke it off, and not long after Marrla went into cryofreeze as a war protest. Later, mainly due to high turnover in the clone Wars, Limres made Master and took a lovely young 17 year old girl from Skåne as his Padawan. By the time she was 20 they had begun their affair and Lim was born soon after. She refused to give up the child, but the Order forced the issue. The child was given to Master Li's training group, but Alisoun refused to let the issue drop. She had already been seperated from Limres, but managed to make her way to Master Li. He took sypmathy on the grieving mother and allowed her to see the child, which (as a snub to the Order) she named Lim Res after his father. While with Master Li, the young Alisoun was caught by members of the Jedi Council and tried to fight her way out--quickly heading towards the Dark Side. The council, after much debate, chose to follow an ancient tradition and exiled Padawan Alisoun Villas to Dathomir. It was about this time the Great Jedi Purge happened: Limres went into hiding as a smuggler, Alisoun was trapped on Dathomir, and Master Li moved his training group to Eyre. All of them figured the others were dead. Fifteen years later, Alisoun managed to get off Dathomir and again made her way to Master Li. Little did Lim know, one of the older assistants that Lim remembered watching him as he trained was his own mother. Alisoun came and went from Eyre, doing all manner of things that will be revealed in Act V. During which time she discovered that Limres had taken a wife, who had given birth to Yanna. For some as of yet unknown reason, Master Li allowed Alisoun use of the old shuttle cave under the training facility on Eyre. She was the one in the visions who was seen fleeing in a Lightrunner Hypersled when Darth Vader came to destroy the camp.

Famous Quotes:
“I defied the Jedi Council because I once believed that love could defeat the Dark Side.”


All NPCs are played by: J. Ryan Decker

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Last Updated: 14 March 2006