Adventuring throughout the galaxy and fighting against the
evil Empire can be very dangerous. Despite the players' best
attempts, there are times when a character makes the "Final
Jump". This is a page to honor those fallen heroes.

"If you strike me down, you will only make me stronger."

--Obi-Wan Kenobi

Usst Menduka   General Odayaka'sai'Marrla, Jedi Knight   Admiral Kendal Ozzel   Officer Zeryn Soe   Korlen  

Usst Menduka, Human

Usst Menduka
Gender: M          Age: 58
Species: Human         Homeworld: Solamnia
Affiliation: Jedi University of Pax Tharkas (destroyed)
Description: 1.5m, brown hair
Occupation: Failed Jedi, former Jedi Instructor
Played by: J. Ryan Decker

Connection with characters: Usst originally joined the party as a sullen, but paying, passenger. He quickly grew on the crew despite his irritable nature, thus earning him various nicknames such as "Gramps" and "The Old Guy". He and Sera Cougre got along especially well, as they both had similar excessive drinking habits. It was later revealed that he was a former instructor at one of Jedi Universities on Solamnia before the Empire razed the planet. Usst had sent in his pupils to fight off the invasion while he himself fled the scene. Never able to overcome his shame, Usst Menduka eventually grew to alcoholism and fits of foolhardy bravado. Both were to lead to his downfall at the hands of Imperial Stormtroopers in the Graveyard of Alderaan.

Famous Quotes: “Out of my way you Rebel whippersnappers!”



Odayaka'sai'Marrla, Devaronian

Gender: F          Age: 31
Species: Devaronian         Homeworld: Devaron
Affiliation: Jedi Order
Description: 5'7", 160lbs. Athletic Devaronian female dressed in a black and red synth-leather bodysuit. Often is seen in a flowing brown robe with lightsaber.
Occupation: General (ret.) in the Republic's Clone Army
History: Just a Padawan learner when the Clone Wars broke out on Geonisis, Odayaka'sai'Marrla was quickly called to duty during the desperate defense of Kamino mere weeks after the war began. There, she participated in the space battle above the planet in her Jedi Starfighter before being shot down by a swarm of Separatist droid fighters. Making her way back to the cloning facilities, Marrla distinguished herself in a holding action designed to buy Generals Kenobi and Skywalker enough time to seal off the facility. Many valiant Jedi died in this battle, her own Master included. Marrla was taken in by Master Li, who was organizing some of the Master-less Padawans in to a larger training group. Marrla soon achieved the rank of Jedi and was given command of the Clone Army's Fornax Regiment. She and her troops participated in some of the heaviest fighting in the early part of the war, taking devastating losses. The regiment was cycled out to the medical facilities on Ord Craade for rest and refit, where she again met up with General Skywalker. His master, General Kenobi, had been missing for several weeks and they had assigned the ambitious Padawan to oversee his recovering troops. During this time, the locals began a massive uprising--destroying two hospital stations and killing thousands of injured troopers in their beds. Generals Skywalker and Odayaka'sai'Marrla rallied their remaining troops and drove the Lychnine forces back into the swamps. Exploiting their advanced technology and Force skills, the two Generals proceeded to smash the native armies and push their way into the heart of the Lychnine capital city. While they were able to take the metropolis, Lychnine reinforcements were on the way from other regions. The Jedi pulled their remaining troops and vehicles back and did the unthinkable--ordering an orbital bombardment down on the unprotected city. Horrified by what she had done, Odayaka'sai'Marrla resigned her commission when Republic reinforcements eventually arrived in system. Despite Master Yoda's urgings, she also attempted to quit the Jedi Order. While he was able to persuade her to say within the Order, Marrla still declared herself a conscientious objector to the war--swearing off all violence and combat. General Odayaka'sai'Marrla disappeared shortly thereafter, some believe with the help of rogue Jedi Quinlan Vos.

Connection with characters: General Odayaka'sai'Marrla was discovered by the party frozen in a slab of carbonite hanging above the altar in an ancient underground Sith Temple on the airless Shiningmoon Minor. She was confused herself as to how she got to the temple, implying that she was originally supposed to have been placed somewhere else. After some initial misunderstandings, she recognized Jedi Tarassi's lightsaber (wielded by Lim) and the mention of Master Li's training struck a particular chord in her. Marrla has generally accepted the party's story of what has happened in the intervening years, or at least as much of it as they knew. She remained hidden in the Sith Temple, cleansing the site and preparing it for Jedi training. Marrla kept to her non-violent path until the very end, only then stepping forward to face the Dark Jedi Yanna Tarassi and allow the party time to flee. She cleansed herself of her last Dark Side point, finally returing fully to the light before joining with the Force.

Personal datapad journal entries:

On adapting to students' needs

Dexterity: 2D+1
Blaster 3D, Dodge 4D, Lightsaber 5D
Knowledge: 3D+2
Alien Species: 4D+1, *Bureaucracy: Jedi Order 4D+2, Cultures 4D, Languages: 5D, Survival 5D, *Scholar: Jedi Lore 4D+2
Mechanical: 2D
Starfighter piloting 3D+1, Starship gunnery 3D+1, Sensors 4D, Astrogation 2D+2
Perception: 2D+1
Command 5D, Search 3D, Sneak 5D
Strength: 3D
*Brawling: Martial Arts 4D+2, Climbing/Jumping 3D+2, Stamina 5D, Swimming 3D+1
Technical: 2D
Starfighter Repair 2D+1, First Aid 3D+1, Security 2D+2, Lightsaber construction/repair 4D

Move: 10
Force Points: 7
Force Sensitive: Yes
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 0

Force Skills:

Control: 4D+1
Sense: 5D
Alter: 3D+2
Force Powers: various

Admiral Kendal Ozzel, Human

Admiral Kendal Ozzel
Gender: M          Age: 47
Species: Human         Homeworld: Carida
Affiliation: Galactic Empire
Description: 1.7m, greying brown hair
Occupation: Naval officer in command of the Imperial Death Squadron

Connection with characters: Admiral Ozzel was first made aware of the party's existence shortly after the Battle of Yavin. During an elaborately devised scheme to trap Princess Leia at the Graveyard of Alderaan, he and his task force were given the mission to apprehend the Princess when she entered the system. Luckily for Leia, the party warned her of the Empire's plans before the Millennium Falcon jumped into the system--allowing the Princess to safely return to the hidden Rebel base on Ord Mantell. Admiral Ozzel, however, was denied his desired career-boosting prize and has been hunting for Leia and the party throughout the Outer Core Sector. Ozzel eventually caught up with his quarry in the distant Hoth system, but it was to be his undoing. Having ordered the fleet to come out of hyperspace too close to the planet for Darth Vader's liking, Admiral Ozzel had fail the Sith lord for the last time. His final epitaph, given by Vader, was that he was "as clumsy as he was stupid". A sad closing chapter of an otherwise outstanding military career.



Zeryn Soe, Human

Zeryn Soe
Gender: F          Age: 25
Species: Human         Homeworld: Alderaan
Affiliation: Rebel Alliance
Description: 5'10", 135lbs, mocha-colored skin with long dark-brown hair and eyes.
Weapon of choice: Imperial Commando mk1 Blaster Pistol
The part of Zeryn Soe was played by: Cindy Fitzsimons

Known character history: Officer Soe was the chief Imperial Commando aboard the Stiletto-class scoutship Dagyar-1. After the destruction of her homeworld and the 6 months spent at Niven's Star watching slaves die at the hands of her crewmates, she joined forces with the party to stop the injustice in any way she could. Valliantly taking the front lines in any confrontation, Zeryn helped get the party off Niven's Star, stole a critical Ion cannon control board for the Rebellion, defeated ancient combat droids in a Sith Temple, and took on any number of other problems as they arose--combat or otherwise. Zeryn was last seen personally leading a crack Rebel commando squad known as the Forlorn Hope in a delaying action against the Imperial troops landing at the North Ridge on Hoth. She is listed as MIA by the Rebel Alliance High Command, but the party still holds out hope that the Force somehow saw her safely through the battle.


Korlen, Nebari

Gender: M          Age: 24
Species: Nebari          Homeworld: Nebar
Affiliation: Whomever is around
Description: Korlen is 5'5” 150 lbs. Blue Grey skin and dark hair. He is usually wearing baggy street or technician's clothes, always covered with pockets. He has a casual demeanor and comes off as being carefree or careless depending on the situation. This can make him look deceptively naive.
Weapon of choice: An Airlock
The part of Korlen was played by: Zachary Betzen

Known character history: Because of the Nebari tradition of mindwiping criminals, Korlen never knew what his childhood was like. His first memory is sitting in a hospital at the age of fifteen with two prosthetic cyberlegs and a few bruises over his body. From what he can tell he was in a high speed car crash with several other people in the vehicle.

For some odd reason after the mindwiping he was let off with a slap on the wrists, and allowed to go about his business again. Apparently someone important liked him, or at least wanted him alive. The one thing that Korlen could remember was that he was trying to leave Nebar before he was caught.

Korlen found his way off world and eventually hooked up with a freighter crew that did some smuggling on the side. There he worked as a mechanic and low level smuggler. It was here that he learned most of his technical skills, and got some street smarts. But more importantly he was finally off Nebar and free to make his own way in life.

Korlen wasn't as strong or as fast as the average Nebari and life as a smuggler is not easy. He learned that in order to keep up with the game, so to speak, he was going to need to rely on more than raw ability to get by. Korlen learned the value of fighting dirty, and winning with a cheap shot. Especially since his place in the universe was dependent on his talent. He didn't want to loose his job or his friends. In an effort to keep up with his peers, over the years he picked up the various cybernetics that now fill his body.

Eventually he ended up at Ghambeezi Drift. Korlen wasn't the most high profile smuggler to wander onto the drift. But the fact that nobody ever notices a weasely little Nebari made his job a lot easier. Officially Korlen was a taxi driver. He had the hover car, the paperwork, everything. In reality he was a courier of sorts. Smuggling small items from point A to point B, before the authorities noticed. Also since he knew the underworld of the station better than most he was a bit of a tour guide, helping people find goods and services that they won't find in any brochure.

Korlen travelled with the party for awhile; managing to avoid the Battle of Hoth, survive the Selkath uprising on Manaan, and get crowned the Sho-Ren of the Mu'Tai on Ryloth. A jovial and trusting fellow, Korlen was well liked by the Rebels and Imperials alike. Korlen was killed on the ISD Contagion while detonating a series of killer satellites in their hangar. In doing so, he saved his entire homeworld from destruction. He will be remembered, and missed.

Famous Quotes: “You can't buy respectability, but you can rent."


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Last Updated: 14 March 2006