Astromech Droid R3-P972

Astromech Droid R3-P972

With the success of the R2 astromech model Industrial Automation scrambled to capitalize on their new dominance. With that the R3 line was specially modeled and tailored for a very specialized market: the high-tech government agencies, specifically the Old Republic and the Jedi Order.

The traditional R3 is the popular successor to the famous R2 series, even with its body design. The most obvious difference is the head, which used a clear durable plaxtex dome instead of the solid steel ones, and with the clear dome it gave the droids sensor package greater range and proudly showed off the R3's claim to fame the newly updated Intellex V computer system. The new Intellex V contained a very impressive data base with detailed statistics on every vessel in the Old Republic navy. With this information the R3 worked effectively with gunnery crews, security troopers, and naval chiefs of operation aboard large scale capital warships. Even though it was not designed as a starfighter plug-in unit it could store up to five sets of hyperspace jump points in its active memory.

The R3 "P" models were modified astromechs that were designed to operate in the Jedi's Aethersprite starfighters. Created with a truncated body and reinforced durasteel head, the R3-P's were permanently mounted to their ships--thereby removing the need for all of the mobility and lifting systems found in the standard models.

Because of the specialized and sensitive nature of the programming on the R3, the sales of the high-priced models were restricted to recognized government militaries. During the first production run Industrial Automation sold 125 million droids to the Old Republic, and later the Empire would use the droid aboard its Star Destroyers and Death Star battle stations.

Model: Industrial Automaton R3 Astromech (truncated)
Designation: R3-P972
Cost: 4100 (used, to collectors)
Move: 4
Height: .7m
Dexterity: 1D
Knowledge: 1D
Mechanical: 2D
Perception: 1D
Strength: 1D
Technical: 2D
Personality Matrix: Elementary
Skills: Astrogation 4D, Starfighter Piloting 4D, Repulsorlift 3D Starfighter repair 6D, Capitol Ship Repair 4D, Computer Programming/Repair 5D, Security 5D, Entertain Self While Bored 8D+2

Equipment: Coleman W6 Repulsorlift engine, standard sensor package, 2 fine manipulator arms (+1D repair), video display screen, acoustic signaler, laser welder (2D, 33cm), fire extinguisher.

Notes: An R3-unit "P" series that was plasma cut out of a destroyed Jedi Starfighter, Flotsam can only hold 5 sets of Astrogation coordinates at a time.

Quirks Specific to R3-P972:

  • Has no legs, floats around on a Coleman hover-toolbox.
  • Powered by a series of jury-rigged blster packs.
  • Has not had a memory wipe in 17.2 years.
  • Loves beeping and whistling at everyone, has been known to talk to itself.
  • Follows Chunara around like a lost puppy.
Ok, so yeah, the picture is really crappy. But at least it gives you the general idea.

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Last Updated: 15 March 2005