Director's Commentary
Episode II: A New Beginning
ACT I, Scene v

Hello, and welcome to the Director's Commentary track for Act I, scene v: "Quicker, easier, more seductive."
My name is Ryan Decker and I am the GM for the NorthCo Gamers' Star Wars campaign.

This episode title is based on a recurring Star Wars line and is meant to show Yanna's potential falling to the Dark Side. Or Lim's for that mater... I had been leading up to Yanna's fall for quite some time, but this was the session where it looked like she would finally take that last step. Little did the party know, I had other plans for her.

The opening scrolltext for this episode was as follows:

"Quicker, easier, more seductive"

Having successfully infiltrated the Imperial shipyards at Sluis-Van, with the assistance of TARGETER and some of Cracken's Commandos, our intrepid heroes had inadvertently come face to face with the Dark Lord himself.

Managing to blend in with the Imperials long enough to reach their ship, KIR and the others witnessed DARTH VADER personally taking command of his new flagship; the SUPER STAR DESTROYER EXECUTOR.

Humbled but undaunted, the smugglers and Rebels set out to quickly repair their vessel and escape the Imperial facility before they were discovered...

One of the best parts of this session was what I was able to hint at with Yanna. The party was already on Sluis-Van at the end of last session and had already seen Darth Vader come aboard. That was just plain fun to do, it really got everyone's hearts pumping. Some of the party, Lim and Yanna, had already used Force powers while on station to help them get aboard. I made it very clear that Lord Vader was picking up on that by having him turn and look at the party before his private magtrain whisked him away. The players knew that Yanna was very close to the Dark Side, so I decided to play it up a bit more before the session started by making a sort of "advertisement" for this session. It was posted on the main intro page:

On August 29th, a choice will be made...

Some seriously hard-ass Photoshop work went into making that Yanna picture! This is all I had to start with. I wanted to make sure that everyone knew that this could be it for the poor little engineer. There were of course a few other things that I wanted to happen this session, chief amongst them was to get the Excessive Debt back in the hands of the party. Secondly, but no less important, Lim needed to root through Yanna's bag and find her father's broken lightsaber and the so-called "training video" on how to use it. It's effectively a high-end VR game from the Old Republic that I based off of KOTOR. At this point I have not yet decided if the Jedi Council used it as a sort of secret field test to find new Jedi. If you've ever seen The Last Starfighter you know what I'm talking about.

Overall the session went along exactly as planned, up until the point where Haselvlat decided to stick next to Yanna no matter what. I had planned for her to be running back to the ship with the last part (the spoon) just as Vader and Tyderra appeared in the hallway behind her--along with their small army of course. Yanna was to throw the spoon to the crew and prepare to draw in the Dark Side for a devastating assault. Everyone holds their breath, Lim prays to his respective deity, and then.. she stops. She lets the hatred go and brings up her fists in the fighting stance that Lim taught her. At the last second she rejects the Dark Side and goes down fighting as the blast doors close and the ship blasts it's was free of the station. Well, for those who were there, you know that it almost went that way. Haselvlat, bless his obnoxious little heart(s), did his best to stay by her, even when it was clear that it was going to be a losing fight. In the end, she had to telekinetically push him to safety before turning to face Vader et all. I gave Josiah, Haselvlat's player, some serious bonus cp for staying in character that well.

On the unexpected side of things, I did not in any way plan for Haselvlat to score a Jedi skill (Sense). But after all the crap he went through facing down Vader with Yanna in the bowels of the station it just seemed utterly appropriate. It's now up to Lim to see if the little guy will ever get trained. Half the party is Force Sensitive, so I can really go a lot of directions with that.

Future plans: First and foremost the ship needs fixed, but how it gets repaired, by who, and where is really up to the party. I plan on offering them a few leads and seeing which one they take. There will also be a couple of well-paying jobs in their future, which should make the Smugglers happy. Tyderra is annoyed at them for stealing back the Excessive Debt, Ploovo Two-For-One is annoyed at them for late payments, and the not-quite-evil-yet Yanna is now MIA. Lastly, let's not forget those mysterious coordinates in the Evaritt Expanse that Lim pulled from the Jedi's old Hypersled. It's going to be an interesting Act II!

Feel the power of the Caffiene flow through you!
This has been the Director's Commentaries for Act I, Scene v

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Last Updated: 30 March 2005