Episode II: A New Beginning
ACT I, Scene iv

Would it help if I got out and pushed?

Things were proceeding smoothly until Yanna lost her poisoned thorn. Trapped in a room with a lecherous 1st Officer, the party couldn't get to her quickly enough. Scared and alone, Yanna called on the Force to help her. Slamming the man against the wall and nearly crushing his lungs, the Dark Side answered her. By the time Lim, Zeryn, and Haselvlat got there the man was nearly dead. Frightened out of her wits, Yanna was crying and barely coherent, but Lim could feel the taint of the Dark Side once again swirling around her. They barely had time to calm her down before the Security Officer arrived with his troops. Lim and Zeryn talked him down and had the 1St Officer taken to the medbay. They took Yanna back to Zeryn's room where Sera was waiting and found then both technician's outfits. They plugged Flotsam into the computer and headed out

Properly outfitted, if still a bit shaken, they headed down to the engine room to set their proton charges. Haselvlat, meanwhile, had taken over the auto-chefs in the kitchen and had begun stashing an armory's worth of weapons into the food pots for the slaves. He followed the pots out, preparing to raise his own personal Rebellion against the Empire. The rest of the team made it down to Engineering and managed to set the turbolaser's firing sequence to go off sooner. Despite some trouble with the main reactor, they were able to set their charges to go off immediately after the weapons firing and headed out of there. Lim, suddenly realizing how many people were on this ship, told Flotsam to activate the emergency evacuation alarms and fire the weapons.

The slave revolt, evac alarms, and unscheduled weapons firing all happened simultaneously as the party retrieved Kit and ran for the shuttle. Although Yanna ended up having to stay behind to manually activate the proton countdown sequence. Reluctantly, the party had agreed to this. By they time they got to the shuttle Kir had managed to ionize the droid and drag it aboard, claiming that he could use the expensive LE model to pay off his debts. Sera blasted the shuttle out through the tunnel and up between the mandibles just as the weapons test concluded. Below them the slave revolt was in full force and they could see that Haselvlat had stolen a Nightwing glider and was headed their way. The turbolasers had cut a wide swathe in the kudzu and the Ghtrok 720 was screaming their way on its one engine just as the firing stopped.

Several escape pods blew out from the Dagyar-1 as the entire back end of the ship blossomed out in a proton-induced fireball. The party in the shuttle picked up Haselvlat and made for open space, easily making it. The Gthrok, at Chuni's urging, swept low and retrieved one of the manned escape pods before beginning its climb. Lim and the party all hoped that they had grabbed the right one as the Gthrok barreled up through the quickly closing tunnel through the plants. Fending off advancing tendrils with the laser turret, Yanna's engine repairs held as they broke through the last of the plants and into open space.

Docking the shuttle alongside the Gthrok, the party was relieved to see that they had indeed picked up Yanna's escape pod--although Lim was secretly worried about her second use of the Force for evil. Even though the girl had been scared out of her mind when she had done it, the words of Master Li echoed through his mind "Fear leads to the Dark Side..." With a slight shudder, he set about plotting a new course to Sullust.

The party retrieved Ellor's missing droid in the survey pod and the party set about repairing the ship. Lim sent the Lightrunner Hypersled off unmanned to the coordinates that had originally been programmed into her. Wherever it was, that's where the Jedi had been going. He had a copy of those coordinates now, and planned on checking up on it later. Kit and Sera were busy plotting how to make a force-field tunnel through the plants to turn this system into a Rebel base, while Chuni and Kit set about attempting to erase the memory on the stolen Imperial droid. The wipe, as it turned out later, was less than completely successful. Everyone got settled in and they gingerly pushed forward on the hyperdrive lever. Once again Yanna's repairs held and they were on their way to Sullust to rendezvous with Targeter.

View the optional Director's Commentary for this scene
(caution, possible spoilers)

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