Director's Commentary
Episode II: A New Beginning
ACT I, Scene iv

Hello, and welcome to the Director's Commentary track for Act I, scene iv: "Would it help if I got out and pushed?"
My name is Ryan Decker and I am the GM for this arc of the NorthCo Gamers' Star Wars campaign. This session was part two of the Niven's Star sub-arc, and dealt mostly with the slam-bang breakout ending. This episode title is based on a line from Empire, and is meant to sum up both the escape from Niven's Star as well as the impending escape from Sluis-Van. The opening/introduction scrolltext for this episode was much more specific this time--as I knew more or less what was going to happen that night:

"Would it help if I got out and pushed?"

In this Galaxy, fortunes can change quickly and the Force works in mysterious ways. Although the party survived their crash landing onto Niven's Star, they did so only by drawing the attention of a nearby Imperial vessel.

Having made contact with the Imperials, Sera managed to discover that they too were crashed here. Investigating a series of mysterious local events, Lim and Kit learned that two crashed Jedi had managed to fight off a series of Imperial slave raids before their deaths.

After a series of firefights and sneaky tactics, our heroes have managed to sneak aboard the Imperial vessel with the aid of a the former Commando ZERYN SOE.

With luck, the party hopes to free the local slaves, disable the Imperial plans to call the Fleet for assistance, and somehow escape Niven's Star before the plants cut off their only escape route...

Opbviously I needed the party to get into the Dagyar-1, fire off the guns to open a hole in the plants, disable the antenna, and escape the planet. However, saving the slaves, grabbing Bebo, and throughly disabling the ship would be major bonuses for them--both for fun gameplay as well as extra character points. Just about any Force point spent while doing these things would be given back, as they were for the most part Heroic goals.

Still, I was worried that they would kick on hyperdrive in the Lightrunner Hypersled and simply shoot the poor thing into the plant wall. The result would have been a great opportunity to scream "ATOMICS!" ala the original Dune movie. Sure, that would of worked, but I really wanted to use the shuttle once they realized that its stored coordinates led to Shiningmoon. Plus, that would have been waaaay too easy. There were a heck of a lot more fun ways to get out by infiltrating the Imp ship. Plus, saving the slaves was the right thing to do--and I could count on Lim the Jedi to do that (especially after he saved Seela'fenn from Bah'Ger selling her).

All sneaking and blowing things up aside, I wanted one major thing to happen this session: Yanna gaining her second Dark Side point. It was.. her... destiny. Ok, maybe not that dramatically, but.. well, actually, yes--it really was her destiny (sorry Yanna!) Once again, the point of it was to keep Lim on his toes, and show the unavoidable effect of him rejecting her as a student. Sure, Lim had no choice, but Yanna didn't see it that way--life is a bitch sometimes.

I didn't know exactly what it was going to happen, but I had the scene planned out fully: Bad guy gets her alone and threatens her, in fear she lashes out, pinning the bad guy to the wall in her style of Vader's Force choke. It was orignially going to happen in the Gthrok ship when the commandos broke in, but the party managed to distract them long enough to keep them from getting inside. Actually, that was nice, as using the Force for evil while trapped alone aboard an Imperial ship with a nasty, lecherous, 1st officer was a much better scene. I just loved how everyone rushed to her aid, knowing exactly what was happening. It made for an impressivly tense scene.

So now it was Dark Side 2, Lim 0. It was also becoming increrasingly apparant that something must be done to keep Yanna from doing this again--as she was getting way too familiar with it. Then again, if you were trapped in a room without any help and about to be raped, but had the power to save yourself (even if it meant hurting the person threatening you) wouldn't you use it? Sure a real Jedi would have found another way out of the situation, but Yanna was a scared, untrained, and trapped young woman in fear for her life. She did what came naturally, much to everyone's chagrin. The answer was simple: keep someone with her at all times, and stop putting her in these horrible situations.

So of course I had to make sure she was left alone in the Engine Room as the rest of the party escaped the ship--just gave them one more thing to worry about during all of the chaos. Yanna and the party made it out alive, but she had taken a second, much stronger, step towards the Dark Side. The next step would be even easier.

Angry Jedi gets the Sabers
This has been the Director's Commentaries for Act I, Scene iv


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Last Updated: 12 April 2005