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Rel shook her head trying to clear her thoughts and focus, adjusting a small power feed by instinct. If asked, she couldn't tell why she did it. This little engine room... this was her haven and home right now. In here no one looked down at her, she wasn't a squirt, she wasn't a child, she wasn't 'Theslin's Kid'. The soft humming power under her fingers respected only skill, it cared about nothing else.

A few droplets hit the console she was hovering over and she became furious at herself, wiping at her cheeks and praying only that Var was too busy arguing with someone over something to come check on her sister for another ten minutes.

Vica had made certain that it came as reaction, centermass, pull the trigger, follow through. Always 'Nice shot, kiddo.' or "A little higher, Rel'. Never 'You killed him, cupcake'. Her father never pointed out that when it came real, she couldn't reset the target drone. Blowing her nose into a crusty rag, ignoring the coolant that smeared on her cheek, Rel tried to... tried to... oh to hell with it. Enough of this! She quit dodging her thoughts and ignored the engine room, content to have at the full maelstrom of emotions here and now. The man, who was holding the blaster, stared surprised at her out of her memory. The air stank of ozone, cinnamon and rotting fish. Var and Rel's blasters barked and the man hit the ground. He looked more startled then in pain. He passed away with a look of confusion. Rel thanked him for that... muttering under her breath and wiping at her cheek again, the coolant was starting to itch. If he had screamed... If he had contorted in agony... She would have been haunted.

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Last Updated: 17 September 2007