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But there came more questions. Who was Klewthan and why was he obsessed with her? It was kind of off putting, he did show up to save the day, but since then has just oddly... hung around. And then Sumna... the regal lady from the train who had just... tagged along. Just like the other prissy noble who wanted to, but not as annoying. Why was she here? She had a way with words a lot better then Var, but that always gave Rel the hibbyjibby feeling, Dad said never to trust people who fight with words. Just thinking over the collection of people on the ship, it seemed almost corny to her... like she'd read this in the promo for a bad holovid.

...There was a little dust cloud as he hit the ground, no grunt, no groan, his eyes didn't blink...

They were headed to see Var's contact... Var was getting edgy about finding someone to dump Rel with. Var also didn't seem to like this group. She wasn't in control of the situation and that was something Var never liked. She also hated being a passenger. Until things had settled down and everyone had everything figured out, Var would be stuck as both. That is, if they didn't simply scatter the second this ship touched down. Likely what Var had planned, but Rel knew the key thing was fixing that nacelle. They left in a hurry, and anyone chasing any of them, likely wouldn't have half a problem finding out who it was that left. Rel knew all too well how cheap information was.

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The Privilege, a SoroSuub 3000 Luxury Yacht

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Last Updated: 17 September 2007