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Personal journal for Rel Theslin.

Entry 564


Things were, for the moment, calm. Fifteen minutes ago the motley collective had launched frozen food out the back of the ship at a snub fighter pursuing them. Twenty minutes ago they had taken off from the dock in a fireball. A half hour ago they had first gotten their look at the beaten luxury liner and everything had looked like it would be calm for a few seconds. Judging by how long that calm moment had lasted, Rel now expected the engine she was puttering with to explode and send them plummeting to the junkyard below. She tried to busy herself with the fluctuating power levels, flooding coolant to and siphoning control from the damaged nacelle to make the weakened engine as little an affect for the pilot as possible.

...He kept giving her that blank stare, even after the second bolt hit...

The pilot... The Wookiee which had appeared after she had climbed on the engine, whose presence she only noticed when it started spouting about the shipowner being an Admiral-on-the-run. From everything she had read about Kashyyyk when she was learning Shyriiwook she had been under the impression that Wookiee were supposed to have brown fur. And then came the question of the Wookiee's owner, Friday-something... Rel could swear she knew her from somewhere, likely a holovid on wanted criminals if the rest of the crew was any indication.

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Last Updated: 17 September 2007