The party will invariably make a number of enemies during their travels.
While many are little more than petty annoyances, others are very powerful
and dangerous. The worst of the lot are listed here. It is up to the
party to remember who is the biggest threat at any given moment.
"The regional governors now have direct control over their
territories. Fear will keep the local systems in line."
--Grand Moff Tarkin

Admiral Kendal Ozzel
Gender: M Age: 47
Species: Human Homeworld: Carida
Affiliation: Galactic Empire
Description: 1.7m, greying brown hair
Occupation: Naval officer in command of the Imperial Death Squadron
Connection with characters:
Admiral Ozzel was first made
aware of the party's existence during the Battle of Ord Mantell (2ABY). He
was a colleague of Admiral Viridian’s and had met on several occasions. Ozzel’s
military career has recently taken what appears to be an upward turn, he has been assigned command of the
Imperial Death Squadron
and now reports directly to Lord Vader himself. It is believed that he will soon transfer his flag to the
first in a new line of "super" star destroyers. As of the Battle of Ord Mantell, Ozzel was commanding from
the bridge of the Devastator.
The Admiral was directing the actions of the Starcrash Brigade and the new Death’s Head Squadron, neither
of which are part of the Death Squadron despite the similarity of names. Presumably, Vader had need of
his personal fleet elsewhere and sent the Admiral’s command ship to take care of things here.
Why, is unknown at this time.

Commodore Mormel Fadine
Gender: M Age: 39
Species: Human Homeworld: Tion
Affiliation: Galactic Empire
Description: 1.9m, short blonde hair
Occupation: Naval officer in command of ISD Despot
Connection with characters:
Commodore Fadine is a hard-line military officer and staunch supporter of the Tarkin Doctrine. Having distinguished
himself during the pacification of Ralltiir, he was promoted by the then Lord Tion to second in command of the
Imperial-I class Star Destroyer Despot. Fadine transferred to the vessel, which was stationed in the
Tion Sector at Lianna. Fadine served loyally, rooting out several “dissidents” during his time as Executive Officer.
When he learned offhand during dinner that the Captain was sympathetic to the plight of non-humans in the New Order,
Fadine shot him on the spot and took command. Lord Tion confirmed the post shortly before his own death at Rebel hands,
setting the stage for Mormel’s political and military rivalry with his sector commander: Admiral Corric Viridian.
It is almost certain that Fadine had a hand in Viridian’s forced retirement and the subsequent purging of Viridian’s
loyal officers from the Judgment. Fadine has recently been granted the rank of Commodore (essentially a
Rear Admiral) and command of his own Tion-based squadron of Star Destroyers. Named for a local legendary ancient
military organization, the Death’s Head Squadron was most recently seen participating in the
Battle of Ord Mantell--a location well outside their designated theatre
of operation. Their presence at Ord Mantell, along with the errant Admiral Viridian, seems too convenient to
be a mere coincidence.
Fadine's Death's Head Squadron consists of:
- Imperial-I class Star Destroyer Despot (Flagship)
- Victory class Star Destroyer Warlord
- Imperial-II class Star Destroyer Judgment
As well as several other escorts and support vessels.

Captain Lemsh Tyderra
Gender: M Age: 37
Species: Human Homeworld: Chandrila
Affiliation: Galactic Empire
Description: 1.8m, short brown hair
Occupation: Naval officer in command of ISD Contagion
Connection with characters:
Captain Tyderra was in command of the strike force designated to halt and destroy the
Rebel Green Squadron at the Battle of Ord Mantell (2ABY). Successfully
completing that mission, he ordered his vessel into the thick of the fighting to
cover a hole opened up by a kamikaze attack against the ISD Emperor's Fist.
Unable to prevent the Rebel Fleet from escaping into hyperspace,
Captain Tyderra ordered the remaining Rebel pilots to be picked up for interrogation
and repair crews sent to the Emperor's Fist. Tyderra is a ruthlessly efficient officer, willing
to use any weapon in his arsenal to complete his assigned tasks.
Tyderra's Starcrash Brigade consists of:
- Imperial-I class Star Destroyer Contagion (Flagship)
- Imperial-I class Star Destroyer Emperor's Fist
- Imperial-II class Star Destroyer Virulence
As well as several other escorts and support vessels.
All NPCs are played by: J. Ryan Decker

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E-mail the Grand Moff of this Sector
Last Updated: 25 November 2007