Director's Commentary
Episode II: A New Beginning
ACT II, Scene v

Hello, and welcome once again to the Director's Commentary track for Act II, scene iv: "The council has granted me permission to train you." My name is Ryan Decker and I am the GM for the NorthCo Gamers' Star Wars campaign.

This project is categorized as being in production.

The opening scrolltext for this episode was as follows:

"The council has granted me permission to train you"

A feeble ray of hope once again shines in the galaxy. Buried in the ruins of an ancient SITH TEMPLE was something that no one could of expected--a JEDI MASTER frozen in carbonite! After weeks of searching, LIM RES has finally found a new teacher.

But time is running short for our heroes and it seems that everything is happening at once. The three evil Hutt thugs are getting increasingly paranoid about the party's actions, the freed prisoner families are fending off the Naufragi assaults as best they can with the help of the orbiting Lancer frigate, and the Contagion will be arriving in the system in mere hours.

Our Rebel heroes know how to evacuate the families from Shiningmoon Major, but can they do it under the watchful eyes of the thugs and the Lancer both? Master Odayaka'sai'Marrla considers this their first Jedi test and will not help them in this quest.

KIT REED has advocated taking the ship, but that may be something too big for even Rebels to handle. Time is running out, but it is often said that the Force favors the bold...


For Jedi it is time to practice, practice, practice. For Master it is time for nap.
This has been the Director's Commentaries for Act II, Scene v

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Last Updated: 19 April 2005