Director's Commentary
Episode II: A New Beginning
ACT II, Scene i

Hello, and welcome to the Director's Commentary track for Act II, scene i: "What have you done to my ship?"
My name is Ryan Decker and I am the GM for the NorthCo Gamers' Star Wars campaign.

As you know, I like to title my game sessions based on lines from the movies. This episode title is based on Lando's question to Han about "What have you done to my ship?" "Your ship? You lost her to me fair and square". It's meant to play on the fact that the Imps stole the ship from the party, only to have the party steal it right back.

The opening scrolltext for this episode was as follows:

"What have you done to my ship?"

Fleeing from the Imperial shipyards at Sluis-Van, the crew of the Excessive Debt made good their escape from the Empire. Unfortunately, the ship's engineer YANNA TARASSI fell in combat and was captured by the evil LORD VADER. Although the ship was saved, the cost to the crew was immeasurable.

Still in desperate need of repairs, and flying with a jury-rigged hyperdrive motivator, the solemn crew have conducted a series of jumps intended to throw off Imperial pursuit.

This last jump will bring them to the coordinates that TARGETER slipped to LIM RES while on Sluis-Van. After what they have been through, the crew is wary as to what awaits them in this rarely-traveled section of the Outer Rim...

I wanted a few things to happen this session:

How it went.

Future plans.

You won the Sabacc game, so you can have any ship on the lot. I want the Falcon. Any ship at all. I want the Falcon. How about that nice shiny Nubian over there? I want the Falcon. I'll lock you up and have you torutred for this someday. What? Oh, nothing, Falcon's your's old buddy.
This has been the Director's Commentaries for Act II, Scene i

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Last Updated: 30 March 2005