Known Ships of This Class: Stiletto, Dagyar-1, Dagyar-2, Dagyar-3, Rapian-1, Rapian-2, Hand of Palpatine Model: KDY Stiletto-Class Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards Combat Designation: Long-range scout vessel Scale: Captial Length: 186.9 Meters Skill: Capital Ship Piloting: Stiletto Crew: 50 + droids Skeleton Crew: 25 + droids Troop Capacity: 62 (12 Tie/In pilots, 30 Stormtroopers, 5 Space Troopers, 15 Commandos) Cargo Capacity: 500 tons Cost of Craft: Not for sale Nav Computer: Yes Sublight Speed: 4 Main Hyperdrive: Kuat Military Class 1 Hyperdrive Backup: Kuat Substitutus 10 Atmospheric Speed: N/A Maneuverability: 0D+2 Consumables: 1.5 Years Shields: 2D Hull Rating: 4D Escape Pods: multiple Subordinate Craft: 12 TIE Fighters, 1 STG-19 Lightrunner Hypersled, 1 Assault Gunboat, 10 AT-ST, 15 Speeders, 5 Nightwing Gliders
![]() The Stiletto-Class of scoutship is a new addition to the Imperial Armada. Envisioned as a new breed of long-range scoutships, the Stiletto-class is designed to operate deep into unexplored space--well beyond the reach of reliable Imperial supply lines. Tasked with planetary exploration as well as hunting down pirates and Rebel forces, the Stiletto-class has just recently begun to prove itself in the Outer Rim Territories. For many new cultures, this is the first Imperial vessel that they encounter. These vessels make for excellent Special-Ops platforms, having enough design leeway to handle any of the more unique and individual missions that the Emperor may require. There are currently 7 of these Stiletto-class ships in service, with a planned production run of over 200. Stealth Capability: Due to their unique missions far outside of the Imperial supply network, the Stiletto-Class of ships have been designed with the idea of keeping a low profile in mind. To this end they have been designed to return a very shallow profile on enemy sensors. This, combined with their matte-black energy absorbing/scattering hull coating, provides a +1 difficulty shift to anyone trying to detect this vessel with sensors.
Last Updated: 15 March 2005