Name: (Alderaanian) Remembrance
Captain: Dran Megrev, Owner
Known Crew: Rhodian Gunner Hqunlx (a.k.a. The Bug), Com Operator Kristyn (a.k.a. The Princess)
Model: YT-1300 Transport
Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation
Combat Designation: Stock Light Freighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 26.7 Meters
Crew: 2
Skeleton Crew: 1
Troop Capacity: 6 Passengers
Cargo Capacity: 85 Metric Tons [185 Metric Tons if External Cargo Pods are added]**
Cost of Craft: 45,000 credits
Nav Computer: Yes
Sublight Speed: 8
Main Hyperdrive: Corellian Avatar-10 (Class 2)
Hyperdrive Backup: Incon Homefinder (Class 12) *
Atmospheric Speed: 1050 kph
Maneuverability: 1D ***
Consumables: 2 Months
Shields: 2D
Hull Rating: 4D
Escape Pods: 2
Quirks Specific to the Remembrance:
General Ship Information:
The YT-1300 Series Transports are some of the most common trading small craft found in the Galaxy. However, in recent years many freight and commercial trading firms have begun to employ the bulk freighters and container ships, which carry far more cargo efficiently. Despite this fact many small traders, mostly in the Outer Rim, swear by these craft and will not give their ships up willingly. The appeal of the YT-1300 Transport is not its basic equipment, but its ability to take an extraordinary amount of modifications and alterations. It is very rare to find a new YT-1300 for sale in the Galaxy today, nearly every YT-1300 available has been altered from its original stock form by experienced captains who modify thier ships to suit their own cargo hauling needs. In short, the YT-1300 is reliable, durable and easy to modify, hence its popularity.
Unfortunately, criminal elements also use this craft for smuggling purposes, for items such as arms, spice and other illegal goods. These smugglers have modified these ships extensively, beyond the point of the original specifications with stolen military grade shield generators, sensors, weapons, engines (thus increasing the speed of the craft both in sublight and hyperspace) and other countless changes. These criminals also give the ship a beat up appearance to help avoid harassment and to avoid entanglements with Imperial Customs. Smugglers and blockade runners typically modify the weapons and hyperdrive, while legitimate cargo haulers add extra cargo pods and shielding. Unfortunately for the Empire, the Rebel Alliance Supply Fleet uses a large number of these craft to haul supplies to their forces and bases.
The YT-1300 is a endlessly modifiable design and is equipped with 2 escape pods which are a standard feature, they are located on the port and starboard side of the freighter. One of the primary drawbacks of this craft is the off centre cockpit placement. This positioning leaves a great deal of the ship out of the pilot's view, while this is common for larger vessels, it makes it much harder to manoeuvre in tight spaces for many new pilots. The more worrisome of these captains often install five-axis, laser ranging pods near the front mandibles, in order to provide them with real-time data about the parts of the ship they cannot see. The mandibles contains much of the freighter's avionics control systems and sensor modules. The forward section of the ellipse is contains crew space, while the aft section is for cargo. Usually these ships are fitted with the External Cargo Pods to increase cargo capacity.
Last Updated: 15 March 2005