Director's Commentary
Episode I: The Evaritt Expanse
ACT I, Scene iv
Hello, and welcome to the Director's Commentary track for this game writeup. My name
is J. Ryan Decker and I am the GM for this new
Greater North American Five-Toed Gamer Sloths'
Star Wars campaign.
This section of the Director's Commentaries deals mostly with scene four of act 1. At this point in the campaign
we're just moving out of the intro phase. The party is beginning to work together, figuring out what their relative strengths
and weaknesses are. There is still a lot of distrust in the group, but that's to be expected. They did, after all, just meet this morning!
I like a little distrustful, paranoid roleplaying at this point. It's sure a heck of a lot better than
"You seem trustworthy. Would you care to join us in our noble quest?"
The opening/introduction scrolltext for this episode was as follows:
"The situation has become much more complicated" Setting down in the endless junkyards of Ord Mantell, our heroes had prepared themselves to enter the TRIFELL SHIPPING yards undetected. But meeting their newest companion, a DROID recently belonging to the EMPIRE, they quickly changed their minds. Delta brought news that the Imperial Navy was about to attack a hidden REBEL base on the planet, mere kilometers from their present location. INVASION! Our heroes now race to the shipping company aboard the luxury yacht Privilege, hoping to secure both repair parts for their damaged engines and the information that Var Thesslin so desperately seeks. Tossed together by circumstance, they must now work together for survival...
This session came together really well. The party managed to make contact with Kerin, got the part they needed, warned the Rebels, recovered Kilarra's
scoutcraft, and got the hell out of the Ord Mantell system in the middle of an invasion. I wasn't quite sure how they would react to the news
of the planet getting bombed by the Imperials, but the general reaction seemed favorable (run away! run away!). Although, for a minute
there I wasn't sure that they would "do the right thing" and go tell the Rebels they were all about to die horrible, turbolaser deaths.
I had acutally planned on the party flying over to the Rebel base in their fixed ship to warn them as opposed to having
Kilarra zip out there on the stolen swoop. It would of introduced the team to the Rebels really early in the campaign, and
possibily let Kluw and Diyar meet not one but two other Force users. Oh well, the chance will come again. The plan was for
Kerin Seltis and his team to fly with you and then leave on the Rebel transports. This would of given the party reason to
intervene more when the transports came under fire during the escape. As it was, the party pretty much sat back and played it
cool while they climbed enough altitude to make the jump to hyperspace.
I had planned on the scene where a crew member on the Judgment called up Viridian with a clue that his officers
on the command staff were still loyal and had been arrested, I just wasn't sure exactly how I was going to do it. But when Viridian's
player decided to call up Ozzel to taunt him a bit the opportunity presented itself. The technician recognized the Admiral's
private yacht and managed to slice a message to him. Assuming that the Admiral is at all interested in saving the people
who suffered for his actions, the next questions to be answered are simple: Where or what is Star's End? And why were the officers taken there?
Trivia: Reused Concept Model Alert! The sleek, silver Nubian scoutcraft that Rel, Diyar and Kluw strip for parts to fix the
Privilege was the original scout model that I was going to give to Kilarrawarr. When her player confirmed that the Wookiee
had been working for the Republic Explorer Corps, I then changed her ship to the standard Republic scout used at the end of
the Clone Wars, the ubiquitous Republic Sienar Systems Lone Scout-A.

This has been the Director's Commentaries for Act I, Scene iv
Back to Scene iv without the commentary
On to Scene v 

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