Teepo Paladins
Quickdraw Jedi

The Teepo Jedi are fairly new in the very long history of the Jedi tradition. They are a small, but fanatical branch of the Jedi order. They were founded around the same time that the Pulse Wave Blaster became the common sidearm by a Twi'lek Jedi Master named Nars Teepo. Nars Teepo had a very odd view on life for a Jedi master. He believed in change. He did not think the traditions should remain so static. He believed that the Jedi should change with the times and adopt the use of blaster weapons. This wasn't accepted by the Jedi community and Teepo was shunned from the order for what was assumed to be embracing the Dark side. Teepo took this very hard and took on the life of a hermit dropping from the face of the universe, but he continued to apply his knowledge to the study of the blaster and its applications.
Many of his old friends and companions in the order refusing to let their friend, a distinguished master, fall to the Dark Side traveled to him in hopes of convincing Teepo to change his ways. His fanaticism got the better of many of them. He could not be swayed, but instead had many new converts to his ideas. With this new influx of Masters and students the school flourished in a very isolated corner of the galaxy. Ignored by the rest of the Jedi community, it grew but never overtook its humble beginnings.
After many centuries, the Jedi's were called to fight a great evil. This great evil was such a threat that the old order swallowed its pride and called upon the Teepo's for help. The fought side by side as brothers in the Clone Wars only to be wiped out by Palpatine and Vader in the ensuing political chaos. The Teepo's were no more safe than the Jedi's of old. Many masters hid, but were sought out and destroyed. The only thing that kept the smaller school alive was the hermitic tradition of its founder. It is possible that some students and Masters were in hiding from the outset of the Clone Wars and this could of saved them in the massacres that followed.
Teepo Tenets and Code
Along with following the Jedi Code, the Teepo's have some basic rules to which they abide:
1. Never draw your blaster without being drawn upon first.
2. Aggression is the Dark side. It should never be consorted with. Be at perfect peace and harmony before acting. Even if it means being killed. A Teepo Paladin never acts in anger or hate. (This may seem to be a restatement of the Jedi code, but the Teepo's take it far more seriously. It has been said that some Paladins have been killed without even moving a muscle simply because they could not control their anger. These, of course, are the truly fanatical.)
3. Never use a lightsaber (Nars Teepo was very clear about this. He made it Teepo law that they should never touch one. This seems to be a remnant of his scorn for the knights who dismissed him. (This rule is worthy of some debate since Jedi, by definition, do not scorn).
There are also some unstated regulations of the Teepo order. The Teepo rarely use heavy blasters, and never anything stronger. They never conceal a carried weapon (it is a symbol of who they are). They never wear armor of any kind (except a blast helmet, see below). The Teepo also endorse all aspects of the traditional Jedi Code.
Miscellaneous Information
The Teepo prefer to call themselves Paladins, not Knights. This has something to do with distinction between regular Jedi. They are still Jedi, of course.
Some very adept Teepo have been known to wear blindfolds at all times. They use their powers to see the force and what it surrounds. During the Clone Wars, many of the great Teepo began wearing blast helmets with the face shields welded shut so they could not see. It is the mark of a true Teepo Master to actually do this. The more novice students would never wear helmets (it goes against the armor regulation), but many Masters say it is in the tradition of change that the order was founded.
Also, some Teepo have been known to wield two blasters at once (see below). This is also a mark of status and ability.
Tricks of the Trade
Teepo Paladins have perfected blaster use to a fine art, and thus have developed a few tricks with their favorite weapon. First and foremost of these is the use of two blasters at once. Teepo Paladins are able to fire two blasters simultaneously (one shot from each blaster counts as one action) with the following difficulties:
- The blaster in the Paladin’s off hand suffers a +10 difficulty (unless he’s ambidextrous).
- If Dexterity is 3D or above, ambidexterity costs 10 CP (or 1D worth of skill dice at character creation). If Dexterity is between 2D and 2D+2, ambidexterity costs 20 CP. If Dexterity is below 2D, character cannot become ambidextrous.
- Aiming at a single small target (a point on the body), +10 difficulty to each shot
- Two separate targets, first target = no penalty, 2nd target +10 difficulty.
- Unique Jedi Power: Blaster Combat (see below)
Teepo Paladin Character Template
Dexterity 3D+2
Perception 2D+2
Knowledge 2D
Strength 2D+2
Mechanical 2D
Technical 2D
Control 1D
Sense 1D
Skills of Note:
Blaster, Quickdraw, Blaster repair, Dodge (or Dodge Energy), Willpower, Brawling, Search, Hide/Sneak, First Aid, Beast Riding, etc.
Unique Jedi Power:
Blaster Combat (see below)
500 credits, two sets of clothing, blaster pistol (4D), spare power pack, medpack
Unique Jedi Power
Teepo Paladins have perfected blaster use to a fine art, and thus have developed a few tricks with their favorite weapon This is the only Teepo Paladin specific Force power that there is, although they also use Light & Neutral Force powers.
Blaster Combat (Control & Sense)
This power is used to make a blaster more effective and efficient, and can ony be learned by those who devote themselves to the Teepo style of Jedi arts.
A Teepo Paladin uses this power to control slight hand movements and to sense the movement of their target. It is basically the Teepo version of the Jedi
lightsaber combat power. With this skill, a Teepo can almost always hit his target with complete accuracy. A proven Teepo Master can also use this
skill to increase his chances of dodging blaster bolts fired by others.

The majority of the data on the Teepo Paladins comes from the Jedi Handbook
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