The third largest weapons manufacturer of arms (behind BlasTech and Merr-Sonn),
Czerka makes personal energy weapons but has had its greatest success with non-blaster
weapons such as flame projectors, vibro-weapons, and slugthrowers. It is the industry
leader in the field of "non-standard" munitions. In the days of the Old Republic,
Czerka sold to any buyer with the credits, but during the time of the Empire, it has
"officially" signed an exclusive distribution deal with the Empire. During this
period, a large amount of Czerka munitions found its way out of the warehouses and
into aftermarket sales. Following the establishment of the New Republic, it has
followed its sales to this new galactic powerhouse and actively courts their business.
Name: Czerka Corporation
Size: Galaxy-spanning
Major Field: Personal weapons
Well-Known Products: Flame rifle, Adjudicator, Vibroknucklers
Alliances: Sith Empire, Galactic Empire, Hutts, New Republic
Personal Military: Yes (Army and Fleet)
Time Period: Old Republic (5000 BBY and later), Rebellion Era, New Republic Era
