Daily Scream
15 March 2035

>>Region: Old Town
>>Story: Midnight Sunrise Reopens
>>Timeline: Tonight
>>Source: NN54
A dancer at the Midnight Sunrise Despite city wide chaos, rolling blackouts, and a history of violent confrontations, the world famous Midnight Sunrise plans to reopen tonight on schedule. Renovations to the site have been completed since the gang attack two weeks ago and include such features as reinforced doors, a revamped Arasaka security system, and a completely independent power generation facility. Bill "Chain Gang" Humphries, the new manager of the club, encouraged all Edgrunners in the city to come on down for what he called "A night of hard core zone dancing to the best chromatic rock in town. Grab your input and overclock it down here--the first can of Smash is free!"

Calvin Jones
News Net 54

>>Region: Del Coronado
>>Story: Star Wars Bandits Captured
>>Timeline: 5 hours
>>Source: DNS
After a bloody killing spree and deadly chase through the northern reaches of the Blast Zone, the infamous Star Wars Bandits were finally apprehended this morning by combined elements of the Del Coronado Police Department and the Warriors of Ares boostergang. The events were sparked by an explosion that ripped through a small clothing store on Sterling Blvd, destroying the building and taking the lives of seven others in the crowded morning streets. The bandits fled from the scene in a stolen vehicle and were pursued by police. Seeing that the police were unable to stop them before more innocent bystanders were killed, members of the Warriors of Ares took things into their own hands when they fired on the stolen jeep with a military rocket as it passed under them at an overpass. Although the bandits were soon captured, the police also arrested the shooter for possession of an illegal weapon. The gang-member, a woman calling herself Persephony, is being held at the 1st Precinct Detention Center and is scheduled for her preliminary hearing in late May. As for the bandits, they'll be recovering under guard at Trauma Team International until their own preliminary hearing next month.

Jay Pritzker
Digital News Service

>>Region: The Blast Zone
>>Story: New Gang on the Rise
>>Timeline: Live-Feed
>>Source: TGTT
Parvenue Druid Spokesperson In a rare live interview with a spokesperson from the Parvenue Druids Neo-Luddite Gang, this intrepid reporter brings you the following information from the Street:

"Greetings HEATHENS. As we the PURE have prophesized, the BLASPHEMOUS technology that so many of you cling to like the warm breast of forgotten MOTHER EARTH has finally come back to haunt YOU. Beyond the strong walls and lofty heights of the DEFILING TOWERS of your so called civilization comes a THREAT of your own creation. I offer this WARNING: Flee while you still can! We are powerless to stop the CYBORG PLAGUE that will soon ENGULF you all! You have been warned."

Take that as you will gatos. As for this reporter, he's going to find a nice bolt hole to hide in! Seyla.

Dodge Omni
Traveller's Guide to Terra

>>Region: North Sea
>>Story: Petrochem Hit Again
>>Timeline: Live Update
>>Source: ITN-Europe
In the most devestating attack since the complete distruction of the Aberdeen facility earlier this year, the Petrochem corporation was stuck again late last night. Several terrorist cells infiltrated three offshore oil rigs posing as Royal Navy surprise inspection teams. The groups destroyed two towers outright and seriosly crippled a third, the last was being evacuated at first light.

Petrochem oil rig sinks in the north sea

Interpol has begun a massive investigation into the attacks, already linking several members to the destruction of the Aberdeen refining center. While their spokesmen have assured us that the terrorists will be caught, they had no further information on how the investigation was being conducted or if they had any solid leads.

Alison Taylor
ITN Europe


News Net 54 is proud to announce that the popular independent street-reporter Newt Trillman will be joining the NN54 team with a nightly News/Talkshow broadcast entitled "Talking with Trillman". The first show will air tomorrow night at 8pm PST and will feature her special guests Redtail and McCoy.

Russian Memchips On Sale!

Russian Memchips for sale

The benefits of lenient Neo-Soviet cybernetic laws can be yours!

Last night's Body Lotto Scores:

D:0 CZ:12 WD:2 U:9 P:6 NCZ:5
BZ:6 FLH:2 HW:9 A:2 DE:0 M:0

Prizes are at least 50% of sales, odds of winning change daily, tickets not valid without official magnastrip, SIN card not required to win.

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Last Updated: 29 August 2007